TAKEN UP as a stray, by N. McDougal, a
BAY HORSE, both hind feet white, a ridge down his right foot, no brands perceivable, about fifteen hands high; valued at seventy-five dollars.
JNO. JENNINGS, Ranger c.c.
June 21, 1831 34
~ The Port-Gibson Correspondent 02-Jul-1831, Page 3, Column 5
By the subscriber, on commission,
30 BARRELS OF PORK, 50 kegs Lard, 2 hogsheads, Bacon Hams, 25,000 feet weather boards and flooring Plank, 1 Ox Cart, and 1 Brass 8 day Clock, with a cherry case-- ALSO, 3 large mahogany Sideboards, 5 small French do., & cherry Bureaus, 7 cherry Stands, 7 rocking Chairs, 6 children's Chairs, 1 breakfast Table, 1 cherry Bedstead, 12 barrels pickled Beef, and 2 bbls. dried Beef,-- ALSO, 18 setts <sic> Tomb Stones, prices and sizes assorted, 3 Slabs intended to be placed on a brick wall, 4 Tombs, (complete,) 4 hearth Stones, 4 stone corner posts, 11 stone door Steps, and 2 door Sills, 1 stone Trough-- also, a quantity of rough Slabs, and Grave Stones, &c, &c. Cheap for cash, or approved note.
Port Gibson, June 20, 1831.
~ The Port-Gibson Correspondent 02-Jul-1831, Page 3, Column 6