Alexandria, Louisiana, May 22.
It becomes our melancholy duty to record an event which thrills us with horror as we relate it, and which has brought desolation of some of our best and most valuable citizens; as well as many others whose names, we are at present unacquainted.
The steam boat Lioness, on her passage from this place to Natchitoches, blew up with a terrible explosion, and was literally torn to fragments. This disaster occurred on Sunday morning last, just at daylight, near the mouth of the Regolet Bon Dieu. The explosion, (or rather the three successive explosions, following each other so rapidly as scarcely to be distinguishable,) were heard at a considerable distance.
The fore cabin, and the boiler-deck, and the hold immediately under them were scattered in fragments over the water for a considerable distance. Many of the passengers who escaped, were enabled to do so by seizing those fragments, after they had been, themselves, thrown into the water. In about two minutes after the explosion the hull of the boat sunk, leaving a part of the hurricane deck, and portions of the ladies cabin, floating on the surface. On this the ladies, (we are happy to say, all of them,) were saved, together with many gentlemen.
The explosion seems to have been caused by the firing of some powder which had been shipped on the boat.
There were two of the hands in the hold with a lighted candle, engaged in some arrangements there at the time the boat blew up, and the mate had gone down a moment before to assist them. It is supposed that by some unfortunate accident the powder was fired by them.
By a letter from G. M. Graham Esqr. who has just returned from the wreck, we learn that the Hon. Josiah S. Johnson <sic> {Johnston}-- Bazil Q. Rigg, Esqr. and Charles Boyce, Esq. are among the missing.
That the Hon. E. D. White has escaped but is seriously injured from the burns and bruises; that Messrs. Boyce, Dunbar, Sewell and William Johnston have escaped without any serious injuries. That Messrs. Roubieux and Graham were somewhat injured, he latter in fact seriously; that many of the sufferers unknown to Mr. G. were at the plantation of Judge Smith in a terrible situation from their wounds and burns. Some of these it was thought would die.
It is also stated that the inhabitants along the shores of the river generally, were prompt and persevering in their endeavors to yield every assistance possible; and, that they are still making use of every effort to alleviate the sufferings of those who have escaped with life.
Even amid the gloom and horror of such a catastrophe it is consoling to see the spirit of benevolence and humanity, displaying itself in the generous assistance, and assiduous attentions of our fellow citizens towards the sufferers.
~ The Port-Gibson Correspondent 01 Jun 1833, Page 2, Columns 5 & 6