Sunday, September 2, 2018

Young, Edwin S. (Mrs.) - 1881

Mrs. Edwin S. Young, of Lutherville, Md., daughter of Miles Hallacher, was in town over Sunday.
~ The Lititz Record, 04-Nov-1881, Page 3, Column 3

Boyer, Jerome - 1881

Mr. Jerome Boyer, manager of the Shawnee iron furnaces, Columbia, was in town Saturday.
~ The Lititz Record, 04-Nov-1881, Page 3, Column 3

Beck, Augustus - 1881

Mr. Augustus Beck, the well-known Harrisburg artist, was visiting relatives in town the latter part of last week, returning home on Monday.  He made the Record office a welcome call.
~ The Lititz Record, 04-Nov-188a1, Page 3, Column 3

Brubaker, F. S. (Mrs.) - 1881

Over The County.--
Mr. F. S. Brubaker has a sale of Durham and Alderney cows at Ephrata on the 10th instant.
~ The Lititz Record, 04-Nov-1881, Page 3, Column 3