Administrator's Sale.
Pursuant to an order of the Court of Common Pleas of the county of Champaign, and State of Ohio, made at the August Term thereof, 1841, the administrators of the estate of Thomas H. Stevens, deceased, will offer for sale, at the door of the Court House, in the town of Urbana, and county aforesaid, between the hours of 10 o'clock, A M. and 4 o'clock, P. M., of the 11th day of December 1841, the following described real estate, lying in Champaign county, to-wit: Part of survey 5596, made in the name of Wm. Washington, bounded as follows:-- Beginning at a sugar tree and white oak, the south easterly corner to Abner Barritt's line 38 poles, to an ash and hickory; thence south 1 degree west, 136 poles to a stone & white oak; thence east 89 poles, crossing a branch to a hickory and two small ashes, south westerly corner of lot No. 1; thence north 200 poles, crossing Treacle's creek several times to an elm & small ash, north west corner of lot No. 1; thence west 51 poles to two hickories in Barritt's line; thence south 60 poles to the beginning,-- containing 100 acres, more or less.
Also, the north half of the north west quarter of section 1, in township 5, range eleven, MRS., containing eighty acres more or less.
Also, an equal half of thirty acres of wood land, in the east half of the south east quarter of section fifteen, in township 5, and range eleven, MRS.-- The two last mentioned tracts were formerly owned by Levi Osborn, deceased, and were deeded by Wm. Glenn, executor of said deceased, to Wm. B. Beaty, on the 29th day of June, 1832, and by said Beaty, to Thomas H. Stevens, on the 10th day of July, 1834; (see records of Champaign county, books K and L) and will be sold subject to the widows right of dower.
Terms of Sale: One-Third in hand-- one third in nine, and one third in eighteen months; the deferred payments to be secured by mortgage, and bear interest from day of sale.
Also, the north half of the north west quarter of section 1, in township 5, range eleven, MRS., containing eighty acres more or less.
Also, an equal half of thirty acres of wood land, in the east half of the south east quarter of section fifteen, in township 5, and range eleven, MRS.-- The two last mentioned tracts were formerly owned by Levi Osborn, deceased, and were deeded by Wm. Glenn, executor of said deceased, to Wm. B. Beaty, on the 29th day of June, 1832, and by said Beaty, to Thomas H. Stevens, on the 10th day of July, 1834; (see records of Champaign county, books K and L) and will be sold subject to the widows right of dower.
Terms of Sale: One-Third in hand-- one third in nine, and one third in eighteen months; the deferred payments to be secured by mortgage, and bear interest from day of sale.
A. R. Colwell, Adm'r.
Mary Ann Stevens, Adm'r'x.
Mary Ann Stevens, Adm'r'x.
Urbana, Nov. 9, 1841. 30-ts
~ Western Citizen, 07 Dec 1841, Page 3, Column 5
~ Western Citizen, 07 Dec 1841, Page 3, Column 5