Saturday, October 5, 2019

Labarriere, Paul (Dr.) - 1889

The remains of Dr. Paul Labarriere who died in Chicago last Sunday of pneumonia, were brought to this city to-day.  The deceased resided many years in Lawrence and his education was partially acquired at the State University.  About six years ago he went to Chicago, attended medical college and finally began practice in that city.  He was a very bright young man and had many friends.
~ The Daily Record, 12-Sept-1889, Page 4, Column 4

Brown, J. Ira - 1889

Mr. J. Ira Brown has been making a number of substantial improvements on his property west of the court house.  As a result of an expenditure of several thousand dollars, two large two story frame buildings, one 60x40 and the other 24x60, occupy the N. E. corner of Henry and Kentucky streets.

The first one will be used for shops and livery barn, and the second for a carpenter shop below and a tenement above.  He is prepareing <sic> to make a number of other improvements on his property when completed, that corner will be one of he finest in the city.  Mr. Brown should be commended for his enterprise and his example could be followed by others to good advantage.
~ The Daily Record, 12-Sept-1889, Page 4, Column 2

Coleman, E. A. (Capt. & Mrs.) - 1889

Capt. and Mrs. E. A. Coleman left to-day for Massachusetts, to be absent several weeks.  Capt. Coleman was among the first pioneers of Douglas county, settling upon the farm in Kanwaka township which he has ever since occupied.  He has achieved a state reputation as a successful and practical fruit grower, and his geniality, courage and public spirit have rendered him one of the best known and most esteemed citizens of our County.  The RECORD joins his many friends in expressing the wish that the aged pair may enjoy their return to the home of their youth, and may soon return to Kansas, their later and better home.
~ The Daily Record, 12-Sept-1889, Page 4, Column 2

Simmons, Frank - 1889

Mr. Frank Simmons left to-day for his home in Seattle, Washington, after a two weeks sojourn in this city.  Mr. Simmons is on his return from a four months tour in Europe.  During his stay there, he traveled extensively in England, Ireland, France, and Germany.  He says that he considers those countries, from an American stand point, as only fit for sight seeing, and he returns more thoroughly an American than ever.  Mr. Simmons is a son of our esteemed fellow citizen Dr. Simmons of this city and has been quite successful in merchantile <sic> enterprises on the Pacific slope.
~ The Daily Record, 12-Sept-1889, Page 4, Column 2

Doane, Laura M. - 1889

Mr. Thomas A. Beal, Jr., and Miss Laura M. Doane were united in marriage last evening at the residence of the bride’s parents, by Rev. Dr. Marvin.  After the ceremony an elegant supper was enjoyed by the relatives and friends of the bride and groom.  The young couple will take up their residence at 1516 Rhode Island street.  A host of friends unite in extending congratulations.
~ The Daily Record, 12-Sept-1889, Page 4, Column 2

Beal, Thomas Jr. - 1889

Mr. Thomas A. Beal, Jr., and Miss Laura M. Doane were united in marriage last evening at the residence of the bride’s parents, by Rev. Dr. Marvin.  After the ceremony an elegant supper was enjoyed by the relatives and friends of the bride and groom.  The young couple will take up their residence at 1516 Rhode Island street.  A host of friends unite in extending congratulations.
~ The Daily Record, 12-Sept-1889, Page 4, Column 2

Kenyon, Lucy - 1889

At 2 o'clock this afternoon, a number of persons gathered at the residence of Mr. J. R. Kenyon to witness the marriage ceremony performed by Dr. Marvin which united Rev. William Lane and Miss Lucy Kenyon.  Both of the young folks are well and favorably known here and have hosts of friends who join the RECORD in extending congratulations and best wishes.
~ The Daily Record, 12-Sept-1889, Page 4, Column 2

Lane, William (Rev.) - 1889

At 2 o'clock this afternoon, a number of persons gathered at the residence of Mr. J. R. Kenyon to witness the marriage ceremony performed by Dr. Marvin which united Rev. William Lane and Miss Lucy Kenyon.  Both of the young folks are well and favorably known here and have hosts of friends who join the RECORD in extending congratulations and best wishes.
~ The Daily Record, 12-Sept-1889, Page 4, Column 2

Marvin, Dr. - 1889

At 2 o'clock this afternoon, a number of persons gathered at the residence of Mr. J. R. Kenyon to witness the marriage ceremony performed by Dr. Marvin which united Rev. William Lane and Miss Lucy Kenyon.  Both of the young folks are well and favorably known here and have hosts of friends who join the RECORD in extending congratulations and best wishes.
~ The Daily Record, 12-Sept-1889, Page 4, Column 2

Mr. Thomas A. Beal, Jr., and Miss Laura M. Doane were united in marriage last evening at the residence of the bride’s parents, by Rev. Dr. Marvin.  After the ceremony an elegant supper was enjoyed by the relatives and friends of the bride and groom.  The young couple will take up their residence at 1516 Rhode Island street.  A host of friends unite in extending congratulations.
~ The Daily Record, 12-Sept-1889, Page 4, Column 2

Kenyon, J. R. - 1889

At 2 o'clock this afternoon, a number of persons gathered at the residence of Mr. J. R. Kenyon to witness the marriage ceremony performed by Dr. Marvin which united Rev. William Lane and Miss Lucy Kenyon.  Both of the young folks are well and favorably known here and have hosts of friends who join the RECORD in extending congratulations and best wishes.
~ The Daily Record, 12-Sept-1889, Page 4, Column 2

White, Joel S. -1889

The Republican County Convention will meet in this city Sept. 21st.  for the office of county clerk there are three candidates. M. Greenlee, H. D. Whitman, and Joel S. White.  At present there are no indications that a contest will be made for any of the other offices and the present incumbents will probably will probably be unanimously nominated.
~ The Daily Record, 12-Sept-1889, Page 4, Column 2

Whitman, H. D. - 1889

The Republican County Convention will meet in this city Sept. 21st.  for the office of county clerk there are three candidates. M. Greenlee, H. D. Whitman, and Joel S. White.  At present there are no indications that a contest will be made for any of the other offices and the present incumbents will probably will probably be unanimously nominated.
~ The Daily Record, 12-Sept-1889, Page 4, Column 2

Greenlee, M. - 1889

The Republican County Convention will meet in this city Sept. 21st.  for the office of county clerk there are three candidates. M. Greenlee, H. D. Whitman, and Joel S. White.  At present there are no indications that a contest will be made for any of the other offices and the present incumbents will probably will probably be unanimously nominated.
~ The Daily Record, 12-Sept-1889, Page 4, Column 2

Lacy, L. M. - 1889

Mr. L. M. Lacy has returned from a two month’s trip to Oregon and British Columbia.  He reports a pleasant trip but relates an amusing incident of sea-sickness while on a coast steamer.  Mr. Lacy made some investments in property in Portland, Oregon and is thinking seriously of locating permanently on the Pacific coast.
~ The Daily Record, 12-Sept-1889, Page 4, Column 2

Hale, Elijah - 1889

Mr. Elijah Hale’s new two story dwelling house on the corner of Rhode Island and Warren streets is rapidly nearing completion and is a beautiful ornament to that part of the city.  A large number of other houses have been erected during the summer.
~ The Daily Record, 12-Sept-1889, Page 4, Column 2

Sample, Rebecca J. - 1889

Judge Norton very pleasantly pronounced the words this afternoon that made Benjamin Doan and Rebecca J. Sample man and wife.  Both of the contracting parties are residents of Jefferson County.
~ The Daily Record, 12-Sept-1889, Page 4, Column 2

Doan, Benjamin - 1889

Judge Norton very pleasantly pronounced the words this afternoon that made Benjamin Doan and Rebecca J. Sample man and wife.  Both of the contracting parties are residents of Jefferson County.
~ The Daily Record, 12-Sept-1889, Page 4, Column 2

Smedley, Mr. - 1889

Mr. John P. Ross has removed his railroad ticket office to the basement of the National Bank building.  Smedley, the steam bath man, has also removed to the same place.
~ The Daily Record, 12-Sept-1889, Page 4, Column 2

Ross, John P. - 1889

Mr. John P. Ross has removed his railroad ticket office to the basement of the National Bank building.  Smedley, the steam bath man, has also removed to the same place.
~ The Daily Record, 12-Sept-1889, Page 4, Column 2

Leeper, Mr. - 1889

Mr. Leeper, a prominent contractor is erecting a large two story frame dwelling house on New Hampshire street near the Lutheran church.
~ The Daily Record, 12-Sept-1889, Page 4, Column 2

Newlin, M. H. - 1889

Mr. M. H. Newlin has just completed and is comfortably located in his cozy little cottage on south New Hampshire street.
~ The Daily Record, 12-Sept-1889, Page 4, Column 2

Riggs, Joseph - 1889

Mr. Joseph Riggs is making some neat and substantial improvements around his residence in South Lawrence.
~ The Daily Record, 12-Sept-1889, Page 4, Column 2

Bailey, E. - 1889

Miss Abbie Barber, well known in this city and until recently, a member of the firm of Barber and Richards, milliners, was married August 20, ’89, to Mr. E. Bailey, of Sandy Hill, New York, a prominent contractor and proprietor of the famous “Blue Stone” quarries.  The affair took place at the home of the bride’s parents in Glen Falls, N. Y.  Mrs. Bailey has a very large number of friends who extend congratulations and best wishes.  During her stay in Lawrence, she has made many acquaintances and was held in high esteem by all.
~ The Daily Record, 12-Sept-1889, Page 4, Column 2

Barber, Abbie - 1889

Miss Abbie Barber, well known in this city and until recently, a member of the firm of Barber and Richards, milliners, was married August 20, ’89, to Mr. E. Bailey, of Sandy Hill, New York, a prominent contractor and proprietor of the famous “Blue Stone” quarries.  The affair took place at the home of the bride’s parents in Glen Falls, N. Y.  Mrs. Bailey has a very large number of friends who extend congratulations and best wishes.  During her stay in Lawrence, she has made many acquaintances and was held in high esteem by all.
~ The Daily Record, 12-Sept-1889, Page 4, Column 2

Lindley, S. N. - 1889

Mr. George Savage, a machinist and master mechanic, who has been employed as engineer at Haskell Institute for the past four years has been succeeded by Mr. S. N. Lindley of North Lawrence.  Mr. Savage did good service while at the Institute and through his influence and personal labors a great many improvements have been made in machinery and steam heating apparatus, and was always considered a faithful employee.
~ The Daily Record, 12-Sept-1889, Page 4, Column 2

Savage, George - 1889

Mr. George Savage, a machinist and master mechanic, who has been employed as engineer at Haskell Institute for the past four years has been succeeded by Mr. S. N. Lindley of North Lawrence.  Mr. Savage did good service while at the Institute and through his influence and personal labors a great many improvements have been made in machinery and steam heating apparatus, and was always considered a faithful employee.
~ The Daily Record, 12-Sept-1889, Page 4, Column 2

McClintock, Mr. - 1889

Mr. Geo. M. Falley, who has acquired quite a reputation in the restaurant business in this city has recently purchased the furniture and fixtures of the Lawrence House and will doubtless bring up the standard of that hotel to any in the city.  Mr. McClintock, a former partner, will continue the business at the old stand.
~ The Daily Record, 12-Sept-1889, Page 4, Column 2

Falley, George M. - 1889

Mr. Geo. M. Falley, who has acquired quite a reputation in the restaurant business in this city has recently purchased the furniture and fixtures of the Lawrence House and will doubtless bring up the standard of that hotel to any in the city.  Mr. McClintock, a former partner, will continue the business at the old stand.
~ The Daily Record, 12-Sept-1889, Page 4, Column 2

All students who wish to procure day board would do well to call at the old stand of G. M. Falley & Co., 905 Massachusetts St., now under the control and management of Mr. E. L. McClintock.  The lunch counter will be continued at the University in order that his boarders and all other students may be accommodated.

Respectfully,            E. L. McCLINTOCK.
~ The Daily Record, 12-Sept-1889, Page 4, Column 4

Church, S. H. - 1889

S. H. Church, who was injured a few days ago at the seed house of Barteldes & Co., is very slowly recovering.  Mr. Church had only been in Lawrence a few days when the accident occurred.  He is a member of the Knights of Pythias and is being kindly cared for by his brothers in the city.
~ The Daily Record, 12-Sept-1889, Page 4, Column 2

Crozier, William - 1889

The many friends of Mr. Wm. Crozier will be pleased to learn that he has sufficiently recovered from a stroke of paralysis so that he is able to be around again.  For several weeks his life was despaired of.  His complete recovery is expected soon by his physicians.
~ The Daily Record, 12-Sept-1889, Page 4, Column 2

Cain, M. R. - 1889

M. R. Cain, formerly editor and proprietor of the Eudora News, made the RECORD a pleasant call Tuesday.  He was on his way to Hutchinson where he will become connected with a new daily to begin publication Oct. 1, and which will be known as the Hutchison Daily Democrat.
~ The Daily Record, 12-Sept-1889, Page 4, Column 2

Knight, Abe - 1889

We are pleased to learn that Mr. Abe Knight of the Union telegraph force, is recovering from a six weeks “tustle” with typhoid fever.  Abe is a very energetic young man and it is hoped that he will soon be found at his post again.
~ The Daily Record, 12-Sept-1889, Page 4, Column 2

Putt, Philip - 1889

Mr. Philip Putt and family leave soon for Cheyenne Agency, Indian Territory, where Mr. Putt goes to accept a position in the government employ.  He has resigned his position as carpenter at Haskell Institute.
~ The Daily Record, 12-Sept-1889, Page 4, Column 2

Martin, Henry - 1889

Cohn & Tarkoff, the “Eagle” clothiers, will occupy the Henry Martin building near the Merchants National bank, in about ten days.
~ The Daily Record, 12-Sept-1889, Page 4, Column 2

Horner, Dr. - 1889

Ted Huston, who was injured by the explosion of a gun shot a few days ago, is recovering rapidly under the care of Dr. Horner.
~ The Daily Record, 12-Sept-1889, Page 4, Column 2

Huston, Ted - 1889

Ted Huston, who was injured by the explosion of a gun shot a few days ago, is recovering rapidly under the care of Dr. Horner.
~ The Daily Record, 12-Sept-1889, Page 4, Column 2

Brown, Willard - 1889

Willard Brown has just begun the erection of a handsome residence in west Lawrence.
~ The Daily Record, 12-Sept-1889, Page 4, Column 2

You can visit the memorial page for Willard Brown.

Scott, J. H. - 1889

Parties having old houses or barns that they wish to dispose of will find it to their interest to let me know as I have several parties who want to purchase.
J. H. Scott,
266 Elm street
~ The Daily Record, 12-Sept-1889, Page 4, Column 1

Willmann, Gus - 1889

G. Willmann, formerly with Rushmer’s, keeps a nice stock of watches, clocks and jewelry.  First class repairing done on watches, etc., and satisfaction guaranteed.
                        917 Mass, St.                                                                                                           G. Willmann.
~ The Daily Record, 12-Sept-1889, Page 4, Column 1

Gus Willmann, formerly with Rushmer, has bought out C. B. McCullough at his place, and is now located at 917 Massachusetts St., where he keeps a nice assorted stock of watches, jewelry and clocks, to be sold at very low prices.  Repairing done on all kinds of watches, clocks and jewelry at reasonable prices.  Satisfaction guaranteed.
917 Mass. St.
9  10  6t
~ The Daily Record, 12-Sept-1889, Page 4, Column 5

Rowe, William M. - 1889

My increasing trade justifies my claim that I am better prepared to fit your sight with suitable eye-glasses and spectacles than any peddler or “Wandering Jew.”
Wm. M. Rowe, Jeweler.
~ The Daily Record, 12-Sept-1889, Page 4, Column 1

W. M. Rowe has moved one door south of his old location.
~ The Daily Record, 12-Sept-1889, Page 4, Column 1

Tabor, R. K. - 1889

how to make your journey pleasant, which train to start on, and best way to go, and when you send your child or wife, special care to inform them will be a pleasure.
R. K. Tabor,
Agent A., T. & S. F. R’y, Union Depot.
~ The Daily Record, 12-Sept-1889, Page 4, Column 1

Keith, Green - 1889

City Directory.

Mayor…………………………………………………………......…...…...................….A. Henley
President of the Council……………………………………………......….....……A. J. Dicker
Clerk and Sec’y of Cemeteries……………………………………....…….…A. G. Honnold
Treasurer…….………………………………………………………….…...........…Geo. R. Gould
Police Judge..…………………………………………………………….........……H. H. Howard
Marshal…..…………………………………………………………….......…...…C. T. K. Prentice
Attorney………..……………………………………………………........….…..…W. C. Spangler
Street Commissioner………………………………………………...............……Geo. P. Ware
Sup’t Fire Department………………………………………………….........…B. J. Whitman
Sup’t Cemeteries………………………………………………………….........……F. O. Marvin
City Physcian………………………………………………………..............……….…R. Morris
Sup’t Schools………………………………………………………………................…E. Stanley
Librarian…………………………………………………………….…………Mrs. M. F. Simpson
Weighmaster…………………………………………………………....................…...…A. Mead

First Ward……………………………………………………….….…R. R. Clark, Jacob House
Second Ward………………………………………………………………A. Palmer, P. E. Emery
Third Ward………………………………………………..…...…F. O. Marvin, O. D. Pickens
Fourth Ward……………………………………………………..…...…F. W. Read, J. F. Wilder
Fifth Ward……………………………………………………….….…G. M. Lindley, R. J. Petty
Sixth Ward…………………………………………………….....……A. J. Dicker, Green Keith
~ The Daily Record, 12-Sept-1889, Page 4, Column 1

Petty, R. J. - 1889

City Directory.

Mayor…………………………………………………………......…...…...................….A. Henley
President of the Council……………………………………………......….....……A. J. Dicker
Clerk and Sec’y of Cemeteries……………………………………....…….…A. G. Honnold
Treasurer…….………………………………………………………….…...........…Geo. R. Gould
Police Judge..…………………………………………………………….........……H. H. Howard
Marshal…..…………………………………………………………….......…...…C. T. K. Prentice
Attorney………..……………………………………………………........….…..…W. C. Spangler
Street Commissioner………………………………………………...............……Geo. P. Ware
Sup’t Fire Department………………………………………………….........…B. J. Whitman
Sup’t Cemeteries………………………………………………………….........……F. O. Marvin
City Physcian………………………………………………………..............……….…R. Morris
Sup’t Schools………………………………………………………………................…E. Stanley
Librarian…………………………………………………………….…………Mrs. M. F. Simpson
Weighmaster…………………………………………………………....................…...…A. Mead

First Ward……………………………………………………….….…R. R. Clark, Jacob House
Second Ward………………………………………………………………A. Palmer, P. E. Emery
Third Ward………………………………………………..…...…F. O. Marvin, O. D. Pickens
Fourth Ward……………………………………………………..…...…F. W. Read, J. F. Wilder
Fifth Ward……………………………………………………….….…G. M. Lindley, R. J. Petty
Sixth Ward…………………………………………………….....……A. J. Dicker, Green Keith
~ The Daily Record, 12-Sept-1889, Page 4, Column 1

Lindley, G. M. - 1889

City Directory.

Mayor…………………………………………………………......…...…...................….A. Henley
President of the Council……………………………………………......….....……A. J. Dicker
Clerk and Sec’y of Cemeteries……………………………………....…….…A. G. Honnold
Treasurer…….………………………………………………………….…...........…Geo. R. Gould
Police Judge..…………………………………………………………….........……H. H. Howard
Marshal…..…………………………………………………………….......…...…C. T. K. Prentice
Attorney………..……………………………………………………........….…..…W. C. Spangler
Street Commissioner………………………………………………...............……Geo. P. Ware
Sup’t Fire Department………………………………………………….........…B. J. Whitman
Sup’t Cemeteries………………………………………………………….........……F. O. Marvin
City Physcian………………………………………………………..............……….…R. Morris
Sup’t Schools………………………………………………………………................…E. Stanley
Librarian…………………………………………………………….…………Mrs. M. F. Simpson
Weighmaster…………………………………………………………....................…...…A. Mead

First Ward……………………………………………………….….…R. R. Clark, Jacob House
Second Ward………………………………………………………………A. Palmer, P. E. Emery
Third Ward………………………………………………..…...…F. O. Marvin, O. D. Pickens
Fourth Ward……………………………………………………..…...…F. W. Read, J. F. Wilder
Fifth Ward……………………………………………………….….…G. M. Lindley, R. J. Petty
Sixth Ward…………………………………………………….....……A. J. Dicker, Green Keith
~ The Daily Record, 12-Sept-1889, Page 4, Column 1

Wilder, J. F. - 1889

City Directory.

Mayor…………………………………………………………......…...…...................….A. Henley
President of the Council……………………………………………......….....……A. J. Dicker
Clerk and Sec’y of Cemeteries……………………………………....…….…A. G. Honnold
Treasurer…….………………………………………………………….…...........…Geo. R. Gould
Police Judge..…………………………………………………………….........……H. H. Howard
Marshal…..…………………………………………………………….......…...…C. T. K. Prentice
Attorney………..……………………………………………………........….…..…W. C. Spangler
Street Commissioner………………………………………………...............……Geo. P. Ware
Sup’t Fire Department………………………………………………….........…B. J. Whitman
Sup’t Cemeteries………………………………………………………….........……F. O. Marvin
City Physcian………………………………………………………..............……….…R. Morris
Sup’t Schools………………………………………………………………................…E. Stanley
Librarian…………………………………………………………….…………Mrs. M. F. Simpson
Weighmaster…………………………………………………………....................…...…A. Mead

First Ward……………………………………………………….….…R. R. Clark, Jacob House
Second Ward………………………………………………………………A. Palmer, P. E. Emery
Third Ward………………………………………………..…...…F. O. Marvin, O. D. Pickens
Fourth Ward……………………………………………………..…...…F. W. Read, J. F. Wilder
Fifth Ward……………………………………………………….….…G. M. Lindley, R. J. Petty
Sixth Ward…………………………………………………….....……A. J. Dicker, Green Keith
~ The Daily Record, 12-Sept-1889, Page 4, Column 1

Read, F. W. - 1889

City Directory.

Mayor…………………………………………………………......…...…...................….A. Henley
President of the Council……………………………………………......….....……A. J. Dicker
Clerk and Sec’y of Cemeteries……………………………………....…….…A. G. Honnold
Treasurer…….………………………………………………………….…...........…Geo. R. Gould
Police Judge..…………………………………………………………….........……H. H. Howard
Marshal…..…………………………………………………………….......…...…C. T. K. Prentice
Attorney………..……………………………………………………........….…..…W. C. Spangler
Street Commissioner………………………………………………...............……Geo. P. Ware
Sup’t Fire Department………………………………………………….........…B. J. Whitman
Sup’t Cemeteries………………………………………………………….........……F. O. Marvin
City Physcian………………………………………………………..............……….…R. Morris
Sup’t Schools………………………………………………………………................…E. Stanley
Librarian…………………………………………………………….…………Mrs. M. F. Simpson
Weighmaster…………………………………………………………....................…...…A. Mead

First Ward……………………………………………………….….…R. R. Clark, Jacob House
Second Ward………………………………………………………………A. Palmer, P. E. Emery
Third Ward………………………………………………..…...…F. O. Marvin, O. D. Pickens
Fourth Ward……………………………………………………..…...…F. W. Read, J. F. Wilder
Fifth Ward……………………………………………………….….…G. M. Lindley, R. J. Petty
Sixth Ward…………………………………………………….....……A. J. Dicker, Green Keith
~ The Daily Record, 12-Sept-1889, Page 4, Column 1

Our parks never looked prettier at this time of year than at present.  They are truly beautiful ornaments to a beautiful city and Mr. F. W. Read has the thanks of all the thoughtful citizens of Lawrence.
~ The Daily Record, 12-Sept-1889, Page 4, Column 2

Pickens, O. D. - 1889

City Directory.

Mayor…………………………………………………………......…...…...................….A. Henley
President of the Council……………………………………………......….....……A. J. Dicker
Clerk and Sec’y of Cemeteries……………………………………....…….…A. G. Honnold
Treasurer…….………………………………………………………….…...........…Geo. R. Gould
Police Judge..…………………………………………………………….........……H. H. Howard
Marshal…..…………………………………………………………….......…...…C. T. K. Prentice
Attorney………..……………………………………………………........….…..…W. C. Spangler
Street Commissioner………………………………………………...............……Geo. P. Ware
Sup’t Fire Department………………………………………………….........…B. J. Whitman
Sup’t Cemeteries………………………………………………………….........……F. O. Marvin
City Physcian………………………………………………………..............……….…R. Morris
Sup’t Schools………………………………………………………………................…E. Stanley
Librarian…………………………………………………………….…………Mrs. M. F. Simpson
Weighmaster…………………………………………………………....................…...…A. Mead

First Ward……………………………………………………….….…R. R. Clark, Jacob House
Second Ward………………………………………………………………A. Palmer, P. E. Emery
Third Ward………………………………………………..…...…F. O. Marvin, O. D. Pickens
Fourth Ward……………………………………………………..…...…F. W. Read, J. F. Wilder
Fifth Ward……………………………………………………….….…G. M. Lindley, R. J. Petty
Sixth Ward…………………………………………………….....……A. J. Dicker, Green Keith
~ The Daily Record, 12-Sept-1889, Page 4, Column 1

Emery, P. E. - 1889

City Directory.

Mayor…………………………………………………………......…...…...................….A. Henley
President of the Council……………………………………………......….....……A. J. Dicker
Clerk and Sec’y of Cemeteries……………………………………....…….…A. G. Honnold
Treasurer…….………………………………………………………….…...........…Geo. R. Gould
Police Judge..…………………………………………………………….........……H. H. Howard
Marshal…..…………………………………………………………….......…...…C. T. K. Prentice
Attorney………..……………………………………………………........….…..…W. C. Spangler
Street Commissioner………………………………………………...............……Geo. P. Ware
Sup’t Fire Department………………………………………………….........…B. J. Whitman
Sup’t Cemeteries………………………………………………………….........……F. O. Marvin
City Physcian………………………………………………………..............……….…R. Morris
Sup’t Schools………………………………………………………………................…E. Stanley
Librarian…………………………………………………………….…………Mrs. M. F. Simpson
Weighmaster…………………………………………………………....................…...…A. Mead

First Ward……………………………………………………….….…R. R. Clark, Jacob House
Second Ward………………………………………………………………A. Palmer, P. E. Emery
Third Ward………………………………………………..…...…F. O. Marvin, O. D. Pickens
Fourth Ward……………………………………………………..…...…F. W. Read, J. F. Wilder
Fifth Ward……………………………………………………….….…G. M. Lindley, R. J. Petty
Sixth Ward…………………………………………………….....……A. J. Dicker, Green Keith
~ The Daily Record, 12-Sept-1889, Page 4, Column 1

Palmer, A. - 1889

City Directory.

Mayor…………………………………………………………......…...…...................….A. Henley
President of the Council……………………………………………......….....……A. J. Dicker
Clerk and Sec’y of Cemeteries……………………………………....…….…A. G. Honnold
Treasurer…….………………………………………………………….…...........…Geo. R. Gould
Police Judge..…………………………………………………………….........……H. H. Howard
Marshal…..…………………………………………………………….......…...…C. T. K. Prentice
Attorney………..……………………………………………………........….…..…W. C. Spangler
Street Commissioner………………………………………………...............……Geo. P. Ware
Sup’t Fire Department………………………………………………….........…B. J. Whitman
Sup’t Cemeteries………………………………………………………….........……F. O. Marvin
City Physcian………………………………………………………..............……….…R. Morris
Sup’t Schools………………………………………………………………................…E. Stanley
Librarian…………………………………………………………….…………Mrs. M. F. Simpson
Weighmaster…………………………………………………………....................…...…A. Mead

First Ward……………………………………………………….….…R. R. Clark, Jacob House
Second Ward………………………………………………………………A. Palmer, P. E. Emery
Third Ward………………………………………………..…...…F. O. Marvin, O. D. Pickens
Fourth Ward……………………………………………………..…...…F. W. Read, J. F. Wilder
Fifth Ward……………………………………………………….….…G. M. Lindley, R. J. Petty
Sixth Ward…………………………………………………….....……A. J. Dicker, Green Keith
~ The Daily Record, 12-Sept-1889, Page 4, Column 1

House, Jacob - 1889

City Directory.

Mayor…………………………………………………………......…...…...................….A. Henley
President of the Council……………………………………………......….....……A. J. Dicker
Clerk and Sec’y of Cemeteries……………………………………....…….…A. G. Honnold
Treasurer…….………………………………………………………….…...........…Geo. R. Gould
Police Judge..…………………………………………………………….........……H. H. Howard
Marshal…..…………………………………………………………….......…...…C. T. K. Prentice
Attorney………..……………………………………………………........….…..…W. C. Spangler
Street Commissioner………………………………………………...............……Geo. P. Ware
Sup’t Fire Department………………………………………………….........…B. J. Whitman
Sup’t Cemeteries………………………………………………………….........……F. O. Marvin
City Physcian………………………………………………………..............……….…R. Morris
Sup’t Schools………………………………………………………………................…E. Stanley
Librarian…………………………………………………………….…………Mrs. M. F. Simpson
Weighmaster…………………………………………………………....................…...…A. Mead

First Ward……………………………………………………….….…R. R. Clark, Jacob House
Second Ward………………………………………………………………A. Palmer, P. E. Emery
Third Ward………………………………………………..…...…F. O. Marvin, O. D. Pickens
Fourth Ward……………………………………………………..…...…F. W. Read, J. F. Wilder
Fifth Ward……………………………………………………….….…G. M. Lindley, R. J. Petty
Sixth Ward…………………………………………………….....……A. J. Dicker, Green Keith
~ The Daily Record, 12-Sept-1889, Page 4, Column 1

Clark, R. R. - 1889

City Directory.

Mayor…………………………………………………………......…...…...................….A. Henley
President of the Council……………………………………………......….....……A. J. Dicker
Clerk and Sec’y of Cemeteries……………………………………....…….…A. G. Honnold
Treasurer…….………………………………………………………….…...........…Geo. R. Gould
Police Judge..…………………………………………………………….........……H. H. Howard
Marshal…..…………………………………………………………….......…...…C. T. K. Prentice
Attorney………..……………………………………………………........….…..…W. C. Spangler
Street Commissioner………………………………………………...............……Geo. P. Ware
Sup’t Fire Department………………………………………………….........…B. J. Whitman
Sup’t Cemeteries………………………………………………………….........……F. O. Marvin
City Physcian………………………………………………………..............……….…R. Morris
Sup’t Schools………………………………………………………………................…E. Stanley
Librarian…………………………………………………………….…………Mrs. M. F. Simpson
Weighmaster…………………………………………………………....................…...…A. Mead

First Ward……………………………………………………….….…R. R. Clark, Jacob House
Second Ward………………………………………………………………A. Palmer, P. E. Emery
Third Ward………………………………………………..…...…F. O. Marvin, O. D. Pickens
Fourth Ward……………………………………………………..…...…F. W. Read, J. F. Wilder
Fifth Ward……………………………………………………….….…G. M. Lindley, R. J. Petty
Sixth Ward…………………………………………………….....……A. J. Dicker, Green Keith
~ The Daily Record, 12-Sept-1889, Page 4, Column 1

Mead, A. - 1889

City Directory.

Mayor…………………………………………………………......…...…...................….A. Henley
President of the Council……………………………………………......….....……A. J. Dicker
Clerk and Sec’y of Cemeteries……………………………………....…….…A. G. Honnold
Treasurer…….………………………………………………………….…...........…Geo. R. Gould
Police Judge..…………………………………………………………….........……H. H. Howard
Marshal…..…………………………………………………………….......…...…C. T. K. Prentice
Attorney………..……………………………………………………........….…..…W. C. Spangler
Street Commissioner………………………………………………...............……Geo. P. Ware
Sup’t Fire Department………………………………………………….........…B. J. Whitman
Sup’t Cemeteries………………………………………………………….........……F. O. Marvin
City Physcian………………………………………………………..............……….…R. Morris
Sup’t Schools………………………………………………………………................…E. Stanley
Librarian…………………………………………………………….…………Mrs. M. F. Simpson
Weighmaster…………………………………………………………....................…...…A. Mead

First Ward……………………………………………………….….…R. R. Clark, Jacob House
Second Ward………………………………………………………………A. Palmer, P. E. Emery
Third Ward………………………………………………..…...…F. O. Marvin, O. D. Pickens
Fourth Ward……………………………………………………..…...…F. W. Read, J. F. Wilder
Fifth Ward……………………………………………………….….…G. M. Lindley, R. J. Petty
Sixth Ward…………………………………………………….....……A. J. Dicker, Green Keith
~ The Daily Record, 12-Sept-1889, Page 4, Column 1

Simpson, M. F. (Mrs.) - 1889

City Directory.

Mayor…………………………………………………………......…...…...................….A. Henley
President of the Council……………………………………………......….....……A. J. Dicker
Clerk and Sec’y of Cemeteries……………………………………....…….…A. G. Honnold
Treasurer…….………………………………………………………….…...........…Geo. R. Gould
Police Judge..…………………………………………………………….........……H. H. Howard
Marshal…..…………………………………………………………….......…...…C. T. K. Prentice
Attorney………..……………………………………………………........….…..…W. C. Spangler
Street Commissioner………………………………………………...............……Geo. P. Ware
Sup’t Fire Department………………………………………………….........…B. J. Whitman
Sup’t Cemeteries………………………………………………………….........……F. O. Marvin
City Physcian………………………………………………………..............……….…R. Morris
Sup’t Schools………………………………………………………………................…E. Stanley
Librarian…………………………………………………………….…………Mrs. M. F. Simpson
Weighmaster…………………………………………………………....................…...…A. Mead

First Ward……………………………………………………….….…R. R. Clark, Jacob House
Second Ward………………………………………………………………A. Palmer, P. E. Emery
Third Ward………………………………………………..…...…F. O. Marvin, O. D. Pickens
Fourth Ward……………………………………………………..…...…F. W. Read, J. F. Wilder
Fifth Ward……………………………………………………….….…G. M. Lindley, R. J. Petty
Sixth Ward…………………………………………………….....……A. J. Dicker, Green Keith
~ The Daily Record, 12-Sept-1889, Page 4, Column 1

Stanley, E. - 1889

City Directory.

Mayor…………………………………………………………......…...…...................….A. Henley
President of the Council……………………………………………......….....……A. J. Dicker
Clerk and Sec’y of Cemeteries……………………………………....…….…A. G. Honnold
Treasurer…….………………………………………………………….…...........…Geo. R. Gould
Police Judge..…………………………………………………………….........……H. H. Howard
Marshal…..…………………………………………………………….......…...…C. T. K. Prentice
Attorney………..……………………………………………………........….…..…W. C. Spangler
Street Commissioner………………………………………………...............……Geo. P. Ware
Sup’t Fire Department………………………………………………….........…B. J. Whitman
Sup’t Cemeteries………………………………………………………….........……F. O. Marvin
City Physcian………………………………………………………..............……….…R. Morris
Sup’t Schools………………………………………………………………................…E. Stanley
Librarian…………………………………………………………….…………Mrs. M. F. Simpson
Weighmaster…………………………………………………………....................…...…A. Mead

First Ward……………………………………………………….….…R. R. Clark, Jacob House
Second Ward………………………………………………………………A. Palmer, P. E. Emery
Third Ward………………………………………………..…...…F. O. Marvin, O. D. Pickens
Fourth Ward……………………………………………………..…...…F. W. Read, J. F. Wilder
Fifth Ward……………………………………………………….….…G. M. Lindley, R. J. Petty
Sixth Ward…………………………………………………….....……A. J. Dicker, Green Keith
~ The Daily Record, 12-Sept-1889, Page 4, Column 1

Morris, R. - 1889

City Directory.

Mayor…………………………………………………………......…...…...................….A. Henley
President of the Council……………………………………………......….....……A. J. Dicker
Clerk and Sec’y of Cemeteries……………………………………....…….…A. G. Honnold
Treasurer…….………………………………………………………….…...........…Geo. R. Gould
Police Judge..…………………………………………………………….........……H. H. Howard
Marshal…..…………………………………………………………….......…...…C. T. K. Prentice
Attorney………..……………………………………………………........….…..…W. C. Spangler
Street Commissioner………………………………………………...............……Geo. P. Ware
Sup’t Fire Department………………………………………………….........…B. J. Whitman
Sup’t Cemeteries………………………………………………………….........……F. O. Marvin
City Physcian………………………………………………………..............……….…R. Morris
Sup’t Schools………………………………………………………………................…E. Stanley
Librarian…………………………………………………………….…………Mrs. M. F. Simpson
Weighmaster…………………………………………………………....................…...…A. Mead

First Ward……………………………………………………….….…R. R. Clark, Jacob House
Second Ward………………………………………………………………A. Palmer, P. E. Emery
Third Ward………………………………………………..…...…F. O. Marvin, O. D. Pickens
Fourth Ward……………………………………………………..…...…F. W. Read, J. F. Wilder
Fifth Ward……………………………………………………….….…G. M. Lindley, R. J. Petty
Sixth Ward…………………………………………………….....……A. J. Dicker, Green Keith
~ The Daily Record, 12-Sept-1889, Page 4, Column 1

Marvin, F. O. - 1889

City Directory.

Mayor…………………………………………………………......…...…...................….A. Henley
President of the Council……………………………………………......….....……A. J. Dicker
Clerk and Sec’y of Cemeteries……………………………………....…….…A. G. Honnold
Treasurer…….………………………………………………………….…...........…Geo. R. Gould
Police Judge..…………………………………………………………….........……H. H. Howard
Marshal…..…………………………………………………………….......…...…C. T. K. Prentice
Attorney………..……………………………………………………........….…..…W. C. Spangler
Street Commissioner………………………………………………...............……Geo. P. Ware
Sup’t Fire Department………………………………………………….........…B. J. Whitman
Sup’t Cemeteries………………………………………………………….........……F. O. Marvin
City Physcian………………………………………………………..............……….…R. Morris
Sup’t Schools………………………………………………………………................…E. Stanley
Librarian…………………………………………………………….…………Mrs. M. F. Simpson
Weighmaster…………………………………………………………....................…...…A. Mead

First Ward……………………………………………………….….…R. R. Clark, Jacob House
Second Ward………………………………………………………………A. Palmer, P. E. Emery
Third Ward………………………………………………..…...…F. O. Marvin, O. D. Pickens
Fourth Ward……………………………………………………..…...…F. W. Read, J. F. Wilder
Fifth Ward……………………………………………………….….…G. M. Lindley, R. J. Petty
Sixth Ward…………………………………………………….....……A. J. Dicker, Green Keith
~ The Daily Record, 12-Sept-1889, Page 4, Column 1