Blank Books, Stationary, &c.-- Record Books; Legers <sic>; Journals; Day Books; Cash Books; Invoice Books; Ciphering and Writing Books; Memorandums, a great variety; Wallets; Quills of different qualities; Maps of Indiana, Illinois, Ohio and Wisconsin; Bills Payable and Receivable; Slates and Pencils; Ladies Albums; Sealing Wax; Letter Paper; Writing Paper; Folio Post Paper; Drawing Paper; Post Office Paper; Wrapping Paper, crown and medium size; Tea Paper; Alphabets; Bonnet Boards; Port Folios; Glass; Pocket, and Cork Inkstands; Black, Blue and Red INK, in bottles; Black Lead Pencils; Pencil Points; Gooch's best Matches; Penknives, a great variety; Steel Pens; Silver, and German Silver Ever Point Pencil Cases; Wafers in boxes and by the oz; Purcussion <sic> Caps; Dominos <sic>; India Rubber; Letter Seals; Blank Cards; Visiting Cards; Ivory and Bone Paper Folders; Mathematical Instruments; Pocket Legers <sic>; Bank Books ; Blotting Paper; colored Note Paper; Carpenter's Pencils; Red Pencils; Conversation Cards; Gilt-edged Letter Paper; Cawel's Hair Pencils; Water colors; Engraved Blank Notes; Bristol Board; Demy and Medium Writing Paper; School Rewards; Fancy Paper. Address your orders to
Bookseller & Stationer.
Bookseller & Stationer.
Urbana, Nov. 23, 1841.
~ Western Citizen, 07 Dec 1841, Page 1, Column 2
~ Western Citizen, 07 Dec 1841, Page 1, Column 2
Urbana Book-Store.-- Just received an assortment of
Miscellaneous Books, consisting in part of Histories, Novels, &c.,
&c., of which catalouges will be published as the printer can find
room for them. Purchasers would do well to call and examine the stock,
as they will be sold 20 per cent cheaper, than such Books have ever been
offered in Urbana.
Nov. 30, 1841.
~ Western Citizen, 07 Dec 1841, Page 3, Column 3
~ Western Citizen, 07 Dec 1841, Page 3, Column 3
Cash for Clover & Flax-Seed.
I wish to purchase one thousand bushels of good clean CLOVER SEED, and the same quantity of FLAX SEED, for which Cash and the highest market price will be paid. Apply at the Urbana Book-Store to
I wish to purchase one thousand bushels of good clean CLOVER SEED, and the same quantity of FLAX SEED, for which Cash and the highest market price will be paid. Apply at the Urbana Book-Store to
Urbana, Nov. 30, 1841.
~ Western Citizen, 07 Dec 1841, Page 3, Column 3
~ Western Citizen, 07 Dec 1841, Page 3, Column 3