Saturday, October 15, 2016

Petriken, J. M. B. - 1857

Death of Mr. Petriken
We regret to announce the death, at Harrisburg, on the 15th inst., of Mr. J. M. B. Petriken, of Lycoming county, and one of the Representatives of this district in the State Legislature.  He is said to be another victim of the National Hotel poisoning, but the editor of the Telegraph is informed by Mr. Petriken’s physician, that he died from disease of some other nature than poison.

Mr. Petriken was an able representative, and for one so young in years (35) evinced extraordinary talent.  In politics he was a latter-day democrat, and one of the most vigorous advocates of the doctrines which are hastening the ruin of our country.  He may have been sincere in his attachment to those doctrines, but it was more the error of judgement than of the heart.  As a man and a citizen he was much esteemed.

~ The People’s Journal, Coudersport, PA, 21-May-1857, Page 2, Column 1

You can visit the memorial page for J. M. B. Petriken.

Martin, Sally - 1857

Miss Sally Martin, daughter of the late Dr. Martin, who is worth $70,000 in her own right, and had been brought up by two old maid aunts in seclusion from “the world”, eloped last week from Xenia, Ohio, with a bad fellow named Boyd, with whom she had been acquainted but two or three weeks, by means of stolen interviews.

~ The People’s Journal, Coudersport, PA, 21-May-1857, Page 1, Column 2

Bedford Inquirer : 1857 - 1884

Owner: David Over
Dates of Publication: 1857-1884

A Weekly Paper Devoted to Literature, Politics, the Arts, Sciences, Agriculture, &c., &c- - - Terms: One Dollar and Fifty Cents in Advance.

The Inquirer
Is published every Friday morning, in Juliana Street, in the white frame building, nearly opposite the Mengel House by David Over.

If paid in advance, $1.50; within the first year, $2.00, and if not paid within the year, $2.50 will be charged.  No paper discontinued until all arrearages are paid – except at the option of the Editor.  A failure to notify a discontinuance will be regarded as a new engagement.

Advertisements not exceeding a square, (12 lines,) inserted three times for $1 – every subsequent insertion, 25 cents.  Longer ones in the same proportion.  Each fraction of a square counted as a full square.  All advertisements not specially ordered for a given time will be continued until forbid.  A liberal deduction will be made to these who advertise by the year.

Job Printing of all kinds executed neatly and promptly and on reasonable terms.
~ Bedford Inquirer, 11-Dec-1857, Page 4, Column 4

Statistics for the Bedford Inquirer can be found at the Library of Congress.

Zimmerman, Henry - 1857

Take Notice
That the subscribers have purchased of Henry Zimmerman, the following personal property, to wit, one Bay Mare, one Black Mare, one Colt, and broad tread Wagon, which property we intend leaving with him during our pleasure.
Piper & Scott
Pattonsville, Dec. 18, 1857.-c

~ Bedford Inquirer, 18-Dec-1857, Page 3, Column 3
~ Bedford Inquirer, 01-Jan-1858, Page 3, Column 5

Kimmell, Benjamin - 1857

Turnpike Election.
An Election for President and six Managers of the Somerset and Bedford Turnpike Road Company, wil be held at the house of Joshua Palmer, in Somerset County, on the 1st Monday of January, next.
Benjamin Kimmell, Pres’t.

~ Bedford Inquirer, 18-Dec-1857, Page 3, Column 3

Turnpike Election.
An Election for President and six Managers of the Somerset and Bedford Turnpike Road Company. will be held at the house of Joshua Palmer, in Somerset County, on the 1st Monday of January next.

A Dividend was declared on the 16th of November, last, of one per cent, to be paid by Jacob Musser, Treasurer.
Dec. 18, 1857-c
~ Bedford Inquirer, 01-Jan-1858, Page 3, Column 5

Palmer, Joshua - 1857

Turnpike Election.
An Election for President and six Managers of the Somerset and Bedford Turnpike Road Company, will be held at the house of Joshua Palmer, in Somerset County, on the 1st Monday of January, next.
Benjamin Kimmell, Pres’t.

~ Bedford Inquirer, 18-Dec-1857, Page 3, Column 3

Turnpike Election.
An Election for President and six Managers of the Somerset and Bedford Turnpike Road Company. will be held at the house of Joshua Palmer, in Somerset County, on the 1st Monday of January next.

A Dividend was declared on the 16th of November, last, of one per cent, to be paid by Jacob Musser, Treasurer.
Dec. 18, 1857-c
~ Bedford Inquirer, 01-Jan-1858, Page 3, Column 5

Washabaugh, D. - 1857

Estate of William Lane, dec’d.
Bedford County, SS.
At an Orphan’s Court, held a Bedford, in and for the County of Bedford, on the 16th day of November, A. D., 1857, before the Judges of the same Court –
The petition of John Mower and S. L. Russell, Administrators de bonis non, cum testamento annexo of William Lane, late of said County, dec’d, was read and filed, setting forth, that in pursuance of an order of this Court, they made sale of all the Real Estate of the said dec’d, so far as they then knew, and the money arising therefrom was applied to the payment of the debts of said dec’d, so far as the same were reached, that they have lately been informed that the said William Lane owned a body of unimproved wood land in Letterkenny Township, Franklin County, adjoining lands of Isaac Rosenberry , and others containing 2000 acres or thereabouts, that debts to a considerable amount, not less than $3,200, against the estate of said deceased yet remain unpaid, and praying the Court to make a decree authorizing them to raise, say $3,500, if possible, from the said Real Estate in Franklin County.

Whereupon, on motion of S. L. Russell, Esq., the Court grant a Rule upon the heirs, and all parties interested to be and appear at an Orphans’ Court, to be holden at Bedford, on the 2d Monday, 8th day of February, next, and show cause, if any they have, why a decree should not be made by the Court, pursuant to the prayer of the petitioners.

In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and the seal of our said Court at Bedford, the 19th day of November, A. D., 1857.

D. Washabaugh, Clerk.
Dec. 18, 1857.-d

~ Bedford Inquirer, 18-Dec-1857, Page 3, Column 3
~ Bedford Inquirer, 01-Jan-1858, Page 3, Column 4

Russell, S. L. - 1857

Estate of William Lane, dec’d.
Bedford County, SS.
At an Orphan’s Court, held a Bedford, in and for the County of Bedford, on the 16th day of November, A. D., 1857, before the Judges of the same Court –
The petition of John Mower and S. L. Russell, Administrators de bonis non, cum testamento annexo of William Lane, late of said County, dec’d, was read and filed, setting forth, that in pursuance of an order of this Court, they made sale of all the Real Estate of the said dec’d, so far as they then knew, and the money arising therefrom was applied to the payment of the debts of said dec’d, so far as the same were reached, that they have lately been informed that the said William Lane owned a body of unimproved wood land in Letterkenny Township, Franklin County, adjoining lands of Isaac Rosenberry , and others containing 2000 acres or thereabouts, that debts to a considerable amount, not less than $3,200, against the estate of said deceased yet remain unpaid, and praying the Court to make a decree authorizing them to raise, say $3,500, if possible, from the said Real Estate in Franklin County.

Whereupon, on motion of S. L. Russell, Esq., the Court grant a Rule upon the heirs, and all parties interested to be and appear at an Orphans’ Court, to be holden at Bedford, on the 2d Monday, 8th day of February, next, and show cause, if any they have, why a decree should not be made by the Court, pursuant to the prayer of the petitioners.

In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and the seal of our said Court at Bedford, the 19th day of November, A. D., 1857.

D. Washabaugh, Clerk.
Dec. 18, 1857.-d

~ Bedford Inquirer, 18-Dec-1857, Page 3, Column 3
~ Bedford Inquirer, 01-Jan-1858, Page 3, Column 4

Mower, John - 1857

Estate of William Lane, dec’d.
Bedford County, SS.
At an Orphan’s Court, held a Bedford, in and for the County of Bedford, on the 16th day of November, A. D., 1857, before the Judges of the same Court –
The petition of John Mower and S. L. Russell, Administrators de bonis non, cum testamento annexo of William Lane, late of said County, dec’d, was read and filed, setting forth, that in pursuance of an order of this Court, they made sale of all the Real Estate of the said dec’d, so far as they then knew, and the money arising therefrom was applied to the payment of the debts of said dec’d, so far as the same were reached, that they have lately been informed that the said William Lane owned a body of unimproved wood land in Letterkenny Township, Franklin County, adjoining lands of Isaac Rosenberry , and others containing 2000 acres or thereabouts, that debts to a considerable amount, not less than $3,200, against the estate of said deceased yet remain unpaid, and praying the Court to make a decree authorizing them to raise, say $3,500, if possible, from the said Real Estate in Franklin County.

Whereupon, on motion of S. L. Russell, Esq., the Court grant a Rule upon the heirs, and all parties interested to be and appear at an Orphans’ Court, to be holden at Bedford, on the 2d Monday, 8th day of February, next, and show cause, if any they have, why a decree should not be made by the Court, pursuant to the prayer of the petitioners.

In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and the seal of our said Court at Bedford, the 19th day of November, A. D., 1857.

D. Washabaugh, Clerk.
Dec. 18, 1857.-d

~ Bedford Inquirer, 18-Dec-1857, Page 3, Column 3
~ Bedford Inquirer, 01-Jan-1858, Page 3, Column 4

Lane, William - 1857

Estate of William Lane, dec’d.
Bedford County, SS.
At an Orphan’s Court, held a Bedford, in and for the County of Bedford, on the 16th day of November, A. D., 1857, before the Judges of the same Court –
The petition of John Mower and S. L. Russell, Administrators de bonis non, cum testamento annexo of William Lane, late of said County, dec’d, was read and filed, setting forth, that in pursuance of an order of this Court, they made sale of all the Real Estate of the said dec’d, so far as they then knew, and the money arising therefrom was applied to the payment of the debts of said dec’d, so far as the same were reached, that they have lately been informed that the said William Lane owned a body of unimproved wood land in Letterkenny Township, Franklin County, adjoining lands of Isaac Rosenberry , and others containing 2000 acres or thereabouts, that debts to a considerable amount, not less than $3,200, against the estate of said deceased yet remain unpaid, and praying the Court to make a decree authorizing them to raise, say #3,500, if possible, from the said Real Estate in Franklin County.

Whereupon, on motion of S. L. Russell, Esq., the Court grant a Rule upon the heirs, and all parties interested to be and appear at an Orphans’ Court, to be holden at Bedford, on the 2d Monday, 8th day of February, next, and show cause, if any they have, why a decree should not be made by the Court, pursuant to the prayer of the petitioners.

In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and the seal of our said Court at Bedford, the 19th day of November, A. D., 1857.

D. Washabaugh, Clerk.
Dec. 18, 1857.-d

~ Bedford Inquirer, 18-Dec-1857, Page 3, Column 3
~ Bedford Inquirer, 01-Jan-1858, Page 3, Column 4

You can visit the memorial page for William Lane.

Over, David - 1857

The Inquirer
Is published every Friday morning, in Juliana Street, in the white frame building, nearly opposite the Mengel House by David Over.

If paid in advance, $1.50; within the first year, $2.00, and if not paid within the year, $2.50 will be charged.  No paper discontinued until all arrearages are paid – except at the option of the Editor.  A failure to notify a discontinuance will be regarded as a new engagement.

Advertisements not exceeding a square, (12 lines,) inserted three times for $1 – every subsequent insertion, 25 cents.  Longer ones in the same proportion.  Each fraction of a square counted as a full square.  All advertisements not specially ordered for a given time will be continued until forbid.  A liberal deduction will be made to these who advertise by the year.

Job printing of all kinds executed neatly and promptly and on reasonable terms.

~ Bedford Inquirer, 11-Dec-1857, Page 4, Column 4