Probate Clerk's Office, Warren, June 16, 1852.
NANCY GRANT, Executrix of the last Will and Testament of Palmer Munroe, late of Warren, deceased, presents her final account for allowance and settlement.--
Notice is therefore hereby given, that the same will be acted on at a Court of Probate, to be holden at the Town Clerk's Office, in said Warren, on the first Saturday of July next, at two o'clock, p. m., at which time and place all persons interested can appear and be heard.
S. RANDALL, P. Clerk.
~ The Northern Star, 03-Jul-1852 Page 1, Column 2
Court of Probate, Warren, June 5, 1852.
JOHN T. CHILD, Administrator on the estate of Henry Martin, late of said Warren, deceased, presents his final account for allowance:
Ordered, that the same be received and referred to a Court of Probate to be holden at the Town Clerk's Office in said Warren, on the first Saturday of July next, at two o'clock, p. m., for consideration; and that notice thereof be published three successive weeks in the Northern Star.
S. RANDALL, P. Clerk.
june 12
~ The Northern Star, 03-Jul-1852 Page 4, Column 1