Sheriff’s Sales
By virtue of sundry wits of Venditioni Exponas and Fieri Facias issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Potter Co, Penna., and to me directed, I shall expose to public sale or outcry, at the Court House in the Borough of Coudersport, on Monday the 15th day of June, 1857, at 10 o’clock, A. M., the following described real estate, to wit:ALSO--Certain real estate situate in Genesee Township, Potter Co., Pa., Bounded on the north by the lands of Henry Ellis, east by lands of the Bingham Estate, south by lands of Versel Dickinson and S. Preston, and west by the Oswayo road and lands of Henry Ellis, containing forty acres, with about fifteen acres cleared with one frame tavern-house and two frame barns thereon.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Thomas Keeler.
ALSO--Certain real estate situate in Genesee Township, Potter Co., Pa., Bounded on the north by the New York and Pennsylvania State Line, on the east by lands of Gannon & chambers, south by Bingham lands, and west by lands of C. Leach, containing two hundred and seventy acres are improved, with one log house and one log barn thereon.
Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Patrick Barke.
Certain real estate situate in Eulalia Tp., and Borough of Coudersport, Bounded on the north by the Jersey Shore Turnpike Road, on the east by Nathan Woodcock and east line of warrant 2123, South by lots of W. B. Gordinier, and A. F. Jones, containing 169 acres, of which there is about eight acres improved, with one frame house and frame barn thereon.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Daniel F. Ellsworth, and John Crittenden.
ALSO--Certain real estate bounded and described as follows, to wit: Situate in Sweden Township, Potter Co., Pa., Bounded on the north by Bingham lands, east by Bingham lands, south by lands of James Fisk and Keating Estate, and west by Bingham lands, being lot No. 57 of the allotment of Bingham lands in said Township, containing eighty acres, more or less, fifteen acres improved, with one log house and one log stable thereon.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Stephen Redson and Jonathan Redson.
ALSO--Certain real estate situate in Allegany and Genesee Townships, Potter Co., Pa., Beginning at the south east corner of lot No. 3, standing in north line of lot number five, thence upon one degree, east ninety perches and one tenth to a post, thence south eighty nine and three fourths degrees, east, on the south line of lot No. 23, two hundred and eighty perches to a post, thence south on the west line of lot No. 21, ninety perches and one tenth of a perch to a post, thence north eighty nine and three fourths degrees, west on the north line of lots No. 5, 6 and 7, two hundred and ninety perches and five tenths of a perch to the pace of beginning, containing one hundred and ten acres and nine tenths of an acre more or less with the usual allowances of six per cent for roads, being lot No. 4, of the allotment of the lands of the Fox Estate, with ninety acres improved, two frame dwelling houses, one frame barn and two apple orchards thereon.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Samuel Rogers.
ALSO--Certain real estate situate in Hector Township, Potter Co., Pa., Bounded and described as follows, to wit: on the north by unseated lands of Bingham Estate, east by lands of Henry Haines, south and west by Bingham lands, containing 50 acres, being lot No. 70 of the allotment of lands of H. H. Dent, in Hector Township, and part of warrant No. 1796. --ALSO--one other lot situate in Hector Township, Potter Co., Pa., Bounded north by Bingham lands, east by Bingham lands, south by lands of Hansucker and Garlock, west by lands formerly of Jesse Johnson, containing 90 acres and nine tenths of an acre, being lot No. 77 of the allotment of lands of H. H. Dent, in said Township, and part of warrant No. 1788, of which fifty acres are improved, 6 acres chopped, with one frame dwelling house, two frame barns and fruit trees thereon. --ALSO--one other lot Bounded north by lot formerly owned by Henry Haines and Bingham Lands and lands of H. H. Dent and west by Bingham Lands, containing 100 acres, being lot No. 93 in Hector Township and part of warrant No. 1354, of which 25 acres are improved, with one log house, one saw-mill and fruit trees thereon. --ALSO--one other tract, situate in Hector and Ulysses Townships, Bounded north, east, south and west by lands of the Bingham Estate, containing 100 acres, being lots No. 148 and 155 in Ulysses and Hector Townships, Potter Co, Pa., and part of warrants No. 1260 and 1800. --ALSO--one other lot, Bounded north by unseated lands, east by lands of Henry J. Leach, south by lands of Hansucker and Garlock, and west by V. Loucks, containing 100 acres, of which twenty acres are improved, one frame house, and one frame barn thereon.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Cornelius Loucks, and C. H. Loucks.
ALSO--Certain real estate situate in Allegany Township, Potter Co., Pa., Bounded on the north by lands of A. Presho, on the east by the lands of Fox and Ross, south by the lands of John Haga, and west by the lands of Luke Darling, containing one hundred and twenty seven acres and six tenths of an acre. About fifty acres are improved, on which are erected one frame dwelling house and one frame barn.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Urial Atwood.
ALSO--Certain real estate situate in Hector Township, Potter C., Pa., Bounded on the north by unseated lands, east by lands of Thomas Lanning, south by lands of Melvin Martin, and west by lands of the Bingham Estate, containing one hundred and ten acres, of which about fifteen acres is improved, with one frame house and some fruit trees thereon. --ALSO--another lot situate in said Township, Bounded on the north by the Highway called Genesee Fork road east by Francis Strang, south by A. P. Cone, and west by D. Sanderlin, containing one half acre of ground.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Henry Ervay.
ALSO--Certain real estate situate in Clara Township, Potter Co, Pa., Beginning at a hemlock tree for a corner, being the N. W. corner of the lot originally sold to Worden, then north 352 poles to a beech tree, being the south corner of C. Byam’s purchase, thence east 232 poles to a corner in the east line of said Ridgway’s land, thence south on said east line, thence west 232 poles to the place of beginning, containing 510 acres of land being part of warrant No. 5864.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Foster Reynolds and W. T. Jones.
ALSO--Certain real estate situate in Genesee Township, Potter Co., Pa., Bounded on the north by the land of W. T. Jones, L. Plants and Job Cavenaugh, on the east by the land of V. Dickinson and John Reckhow, on the south by the lands of John Reckhow and Wm. Keech, on the west by the lands of W. T. Jones and Plants, containing ninety-four acres, with about fifteen acres improved, and erected thereon one frame barn.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of S. G. Rouse.
ALSO--Certain real estate situate in Allegany Township, Potter Co., Pa., Bounded on the north and east by unseated lands, on the south by lands of Nathan Cobb, and on the west by lands of T. B. Collar, containing one hundred acres, about forty acres of which is improved, with two log houses, one frame barn, one log barn, three log sheds and an apple orchard thereon.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Luther Cobb.
ALSO--Certain real estate situate in Pike Township, Potter Co., Pa., Bounded on the north by lot No. 14, on the east by lots Nos. 14, 22 and 35, on the south by lot No. 22 and unseated lands of the Bingham Estate, and on the west by unseated lands and by lots 13 and 36, being lots Nos. 11 and 12, of sub-division of lands of the Bingham Estate in said Township, containing one hundred and fifty five acres, of which about fifty acres are improved. On it are three frame houses, two frame barns, one saw-mill and some fruit trees. --ALSO--Lot No. 36, situate in Township, County and State aforesaid, bounded on the north and east by lot No. 14, on the south by lot No. 13 and unseated lands, on the west by unseated ands and lot No. 15, containing 104 acres of which about twelve acres are improved. On it is one log house, one frame house and one frame barn.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Elijah Johnston.
ALSO--Certain real estate situate in Allegany Township, Potter Co., Pa., Bounded on the north by lands of Johnson and Jones, on the east by lands of A. P. Cone, on the south by lands of Johnson, on the west by lands of S. P. Lyman, containing ninety five acres, or thereabouts, about twenty of which is improved, with one log house and one log and board stable thereon.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of William Scranton and Schuyler Scranton.
ALSO--Certain real estate situate in Hector Township, Potter Co., Pa., Bounded on the north by lands of H. Loucks, on the east by lands of H. C. Leach, and south and west by lands of Hansucker and Garlock, containing fifty acres of which about four acres are improved with one frame dwelling house thereon.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Matthias Young.
ALSO--Certain real estate situate in Hebron Township, Potter Co., Pa., Bounded on the north by the lands of Daniel Clark, east, south and west by lands of Fox, containing about forty acres, of which five acres are improved, five acres chopped, and one frame house thereon.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Pailo S. Baker.
ALSO--Certain real estate situate in Allegany Township, Potter Co., Pa., Bounded on the north by lands of Taylor, east by unseated lands of Fox and Ross, south by lands of John Glace, and west by lands of containing about four hundred acres of land, about twelve acres of which is improved, with one frame barn, one log house, and some fruit trees thereon.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Michael Gross.
ALSO--Certain real estate situate in Genesee Township, Potter Co., Pa., Bounded on the north by the lands of on the east, south and west by the estate of M. Dolley, containing six acres and one fourth of an acre, more or less.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of William Annis.
ALSO--Levari Facias--All that one-and-a-half story house, and one-and-a-half story shop appurtenant thereto, situate in the Township of Genesee, Potter Co., Pa., on a farm lately owned by and by him purchased of Wm. Cobb, and being on the State Road leading from the Genesee Fork through the Township of Bingham in said County, Bounded west by land of Easton, and west by land of Hill--said house or building being 20 feet front, with wings on each side of ten feet each, extending back two feet, making it forty feet in the rear--and the said shop being sixteen feet square, and the lot or piece of ground and cartilage appurtenant thereto described as follows--Commencing at the road four feet west of the shop running northerly nine rods, then along the road ten rods to the place of beginning.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Moses L. Sears.
A. C. Taggart, Sheriff.
Coudersport, May 21, 1857.~ The People’s Journal, Coudersport, PA, 21-May-1857, Page 2, Column 3-4
You can visit the memorial page for Cornelius Henry Loucks, Sr.