Monday, September 5, 2022

Jones, Henry R. - 1860

TO THE VOTERS OF THE COUNTY OF HENRICO.-- At the request of many friends, I am a candidate for the office of SHERIFF, and if elected, will devote all my time and energy to the discharge of the duties, and feel confident, with the long experience I have had as Sheriff, to be able to do so in compliance with the oath of office.
~ Richmond Daily Dispatch, 01 May 1860 Page 1, Column 1

Timberman, Albert Ross - 1909

Alpha Chapter
Miami University
Oxford, Ohio
Established June 28, 1855

Timberman, Albert Ross, Ink Manufacturer, 2043 Lake Drive, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
This may be the memorial for Albert Ross Timberman.

Stitt, Howard Leigh - 1909

Alpha Chapter
Miami University
Oxford, Ohio
Established June 28, 1855

Stitt, Howard Leigh, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Surgeon, 656 Doctor's Building, Cincinnati, Ohio.

You can visit the memorial page for Dr Howard Leigh Stitt.

Johnston, Chester - 1909

Alpha Chapter
Miami University
Oxford, Ohio
Established June 28, 1855

Johnston, Chester, A B.; [Bachelor of Arts], Superintendent of Schools, Brookville, Ohio.

Fisher, Otto Orren - 1909

Alpha Chapter
Miami University
Oxford, Ohio
Established June 28, 1855

Fisher, Otto Orren, A B.; [Bachelor of Arts], M. D.; [Doctor of Medicine], Surgeon for Hudson Motor Car Company, 12601 East Jefferson Avenue, Detroit, Michigan.

You can visit the memorial page for Otto Orren Fisher.

Allen, Josiah - 1804

 Name:  Josiah Allen
Death Date:  Apr 1804
Age at Death
Resident of Nantucket: 
Details:  Died at sea
~ Nantucket Historical Association

You can visit the memorial page for Josiah Allen.

Allen, Edward Jr. - 1819

 Name:  Edward Allen Jr.
Death Date:  1819
Age at Death:  26
Resident of Nantucket: 
Details:  At sea; son of David
~ Nantucket Historical Association

You can visit the memorial page for Edward Allen Jr.

Cook, Henry T. - 1883

Register of patients transported to the Louisiana State Insane Asylum
Name:  Henry T. Cook
Suit #:  7421
Arrival date:  January 4, 1883
Age:  27
Gender / Color:  Male / White
Nativity:  New Orleans
Occupation:  Book-Keeper
Marital Status:  Single
Disease:  Alcoholism
How Long Insane
Remarks:  Delivered to Dr. J. W. Jones, Superintendent, January 07, 1883

~ New Orleans Public Library, City Archives, Orleans Parish Louisiana

Edwards, Louisa - 1883

Register of patients transported to the Louisiana State Insane Asylum
Name:  Louisa Edwards
Suit #:  7313
Arrival date:  January 4, 1883
Age:  40
Gender / Color:  Female / Colored
Nativity:  United States
Occupation:  Book-Keeper
Marital Status
Disease:  Religious Mania
How Long Insane
Remarks:  Delivered to Dr. J. W. Jones, Superintendent, January 07, 1883

~ New Orleans Public Library, City Archives, Orleans Parish Louisiana

Stihl, Jacob - 1883

Register of patients transported to the Louisiana State Insane Asylum
Name:  Jacob Stihl
Suit #:  7313
Arrival date:  January 4, 1883
Age:  23
Gender / Color:  Male / White
Nativity:  Switzerland
Occupation:  Book-Keeper
Marital Status:  Single
Disease:  Religious Mania
How Long Insane
Remarks:  Delivered to Dr. J. W. Jones, Superintendent, January 07, 1883

~ New Orleans Public Library, City Archives, Orleans Parish Louisiana

Fernandez, Edgar - 1883

Register of patients transported to the Louisiana State Insane Asylum
Name:  Edgar Fernandez
Suit #:  7445
Arrival date:  January 3, 1883
Age:  35
Gender / Color:  Male / White
Occupation:  Book-Keeper
Marital Status:  Single
Disease:  Hystericks <sic>
How Long Insane:  6 years
Remarks:  Delivered to Dr. J. W. Jones, Superintendent, January 07, 1883

~ New Orleans Public Library, City Archives, Orleans Parish Louisiana

Brothers, Willis - 1883

Register of patients transported to the Louisiana State Insane Asylum
Name:  Willis Brothers
Suit #:  7313
Arrival date:  January 2, 1883
Age:  35
Gender / Color:  Male / Colored
Marital Status
Disease:  Acute Mania
How Long Insane
Remarks:  Delivered to Dr. J. W. Jones, Superintendent, January 07, 1883

~ New Orleans Public Library, City Archives, Orleans Parish Louisiana

Sevier, Edward - 1883

Register of patients transported to the Louisiana State Insane Asylum
Name:  Edward Sevier
Suit #:  7313
Arrival date:  January 2, 1883
Age:  30
Gender / Color:  Male / Colored
Marital Status
Disease:  Idiocy
How Long Insane
Remarks:  Delivered to Dr. J. W. Jones, Superintendent, January 07, 1883

~ New Orleans Public Library, City Archives, Orleans Parish Louisiana

Herbert, James - 1883

Register of patients transported to the Louisiana State Insane Asylum
Name:  James Herbert
Suit #:  7313
Arrival date:  January 2, 1883
Age:  15
Gender / Color:  Male / White
Marital Status:  Single
Disease:  Idiocy
How Long Insane
Remarks:  Delivered to Dr. J. W. Jones, Superintendent, January 07, 1883

~ New Orleans Public Library, City Archives, Orleans Parish Louisiana

Bisom, C. L. - 1897

Persons who are troubled with indigestion will be interested in the experience of Wm. H. Penn, chief clerk of the railway mail service at Des Moines, Iowa, who writes: “It gives me pleasure to testify to the merits of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea <sic> Remedy.  For two years I have suffered from indigestion, and am subject to frequent severe attacks of pain in the stomach and bowels.  One or two doses of this remedy never fails to give perfect relief.  Price 25 and 50 cents.  Sold by C. W. Houston, Exira, and C. L. Bisom, Brayton.
~ Audubon County Journal, 28 Jan 1897, Page 1, Column 3

Houston, C. W. - 1897

Persons who are troubled with indigestion will be interested in the experience of Wm. H. Penn, chief clerk of the railway mail service at Des Moines, Iowa, who writes: “It gives me pleasure to testify to the merits of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea <sic> Remedy.  For two years I have suffered from indigestion, and am subject to frequent severe attacks of pain in the stomach and bowels.  One or two doses of this remedy never fails to give perfect relief.  Price 25 and 50 cents.  Sold by C. W. Houston, Exira, and C. L. Bisom, Brayton.
~ Audubon County Journal, 28 Jan 1897, Page 1, Column 3

Penn, William H. - 1897

Persons who are troubled with indigestion will be interested in the experience of Wm. H. Penn, chief clerk of the railway mail service at Des Moines, Iowa, who writes: “It gives me pleasure to testify to the merits of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea <sic> Remedy.  For two years I have suffered from indigestion, and am subject to frequent severe attacks of pain in the stomach and bowels.  One or two doses of this remedy never fails to give perfect relief.  Price 25 and 50 cents.  Sold by C. W. Houston, Exira, and C. L. Bisom, Brayton.
~ Audubon County Journal, 28 Jan 1897, Page 1, Column 3

Suiter, William - 1897

Gray Department.
Wm. Suiter, of northwest Lincoln township, fell from the steps of Roger's law office, in Manning last Saturday, striking on his head and shoulders and sustaining injuries from which he died in fifteen minutes.  Mr. Suiter was about fifty years old and has long been a resident of Lincoln township and a very prosperous farmer.  The funeral was held from the home of the deceased last Monday, Rev. Ehler conducting.
~ Audubon County Journal, 28 Jan 1897, Page 1, Column 3

Crow, John (Mr. & Mrs.) - 1897

Gray Department.
Mr. and Mrs. John Crow started for Exira by team, but the weather was so severe, they concluded to finish the trip by rail  on the return trip, Mrs. Crow awaited the train while John drove the rig home Saturday night.
~ Audubon County Journal, 28 Jan 1897, Page 1, Column 3

Hepp, F. C. - 1897

Gray Department.
F. C. Hepp, our village smith, is very bus now-a-days.  The icicles of January drawn out by the zephyrs of December are so numerous that traveling by team is almost impossible unless they are sharp shod.
~ Audubon County Journal, 28 Jan 1897, Page 1, Column 3