Round About Our Town
Mrs. Elsie Dunn, of East Fifth street, who suffered a paralytic stroke last June and had been bedfast for many months, is now able to sit up on a chair part of the time. Her many friends wish her a speedy return to health again. Mrs. Dunn is the mother of grocer Blair Dunn.
~ Bellwood Bulletin, 14-Feb-1946, Page 1, Column 1
Round About Our Town
Edward Dunn has returned home from Bradenton, Florida, where he was called to attend the funeral of his brother-in-law, B. T. Barlow. He was accompanied by his sister, Mrs. Dorothy Steele, who will remain for some time with her sister, Mrs. Bartlow, who was the former Ethel Dunn, of the borough, daughter of Mrs. Elsie Dunn.
~ Bellwood Bulletin, 14-Feb-1946, Page 1, Column 1