Wednesday, October 9, 2019

McDonald, (Prof.) - 1889

E. E. Slosson got back from Texas yesterday, to resume work.

E. S. Meade returned this morning.

W. E. Curry, the former clerk, now wears the Phi Gam colors.

Prof. Templin will talk to the Science club at its first meeting.

The Senior Pharmacy class will be very small this year.

The Courier and Review will both be out to-morrow.  Also a new paper to be called the University Kansan.

It is proposed to change all the first hour Freshman studies to the fourth hour.

Prof. McDonald has posted a notice stating that he will give private lessons in music to prepare students to enter the department as regular students.

More then 900 visitors registered at the guides room during the summer vacation.

Marion county sends six new students this year.

Almost a hundred new students assembled in the chapel yesterday morning.  This is the greatest number of new students ever present on the first day.
~ The Daily Record, 12-Sept-1889, Page 4, Column 4