Sunday, March 1, 2020

Davis, Wallace : 1888-1965

Name : Wallace Davis

Occupation : lawyer
Born : Russellville, Arkansas on July 12, 1888
Died :
Parents : Jeff and Ina (McKenzie) Davis

Education : student at the University of Arkansas and Vanderbilt University.
Married : unmarried.

Admitted to Arkansas bar, 1910, and since practiced in Little Rock; member of the firm of Pace & Davis; Attorney General of Arkansas, 1915-1917; member of the Democratic National Committee, 1916-1920

Religion : Baptist.
Politics : Democrat.

Club(s) :
Home Address : 1423 Broadway
Office Address : Reigler Building, Little Rock, Arkansas

~ Who's Who in America, Vol. 13, 1924-1925, Edited by Albert Nelson Marquis, Printed by A. N Marquis & Company in Chicago, IL, Page 915.

You can visit the memorial page for Wallace W. Davis.

Webb, James Henry : 1854-1924

Name : James Henry Webb

Occupation : judge
Born : Santa Fe, New Mexico on December 22, 1854.
Died : April 19, 1924
Parents : James J. and Florilla M. (Slade) Webb

Education : Bachelor of Science, Massachusetts Agricultural College, 1873; Yale, 1875-1875; Bachelor of Laws (cum laude), Yale, 1877.
Married : Helen M. Ives, of Mt. Carmel, Connecticut, June 23, 1880

Admitted to bar, 1877, member bar Supreme Court of the United States; member of the firm of Alling, Webb & Morehouse, 1883-1914; judge Superior Court of Connecticut, November 1914--.; lecturer on medical jurisprudence, Yale Law School, 1896--, Democratic candidate for Congress, 2nd Connecticut District, 1898; member Constitutional Convention of Connecticut, 1902; member of the board control Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station, 1892--; Member American Bar Association; Delegate Universal Congress Lawyers and Jurists, St. Louis, 1904; Editor of the American Edition Kenny's Outlines of Criminal Law, 1905; contributor to Two Centuries Growth of American Law (article “Criminal Law and Procedure”), Yale Bi-centennial publication.

Religion :
Politics : Democrat.

Club(s) : Graduates.
Home Address : “Spring Glen”, Whitney Avenue, Hamden, Connecticut.
Office Address : County Courthouse, New Haven, Connecticut.

~ Who's Who in America, Vol. 13, 1924-1925, Edited by Albert Nelson Marquis, Printed by A. N Marquis & Company in Chicago, IL, Page 3342 (Necrology Page 164: Deaths Reported During Course of Printing Who's Who in America)

You can visit the memorial page for James Henry Webb.

Warren, Arthur : 1860-1924

Name : Arthur Warren

Occupation : author
Born : (Dorchester), Boston, Massachusetts, May 18, 1860
Died : April 16, 1924
Parents : Capt. M. H. and Ann M. Warren

Education :
Married : Abbie N. Gunnison, daughter of James Gunnison of Scarborough, Maine, January 13, 1887.

Newspaper writer and correspondent, London, England, 1878-1882; special writere and dramatic critic , Boston, 1883-1888; London correspondent, Boston Herald, 1888-1897; editorial writer and special correspondent, same paper, 1897-1907, and editor, same, 1907-1909; dramatic critic, New York Tribune, 1909-1912.

Author : The Charles Wittinghams, Printers, 1896; London Days, 1920; contributor to magazines.
Religion :
Politics :

Club(s) : Royal Automobile (London).
Address : Royal Automobile Club, London, England.
Home Address :
Office Address :

~ Who's Who in America, Vol. 13, 1924-1925, Edited by Albert Nelson Marquis, Printed by A. N Marquis & Company in Chicago, IL, Page 3318 (Necrology Page 164: Deaths Reported During Course of Printing Who's Who in America)

Stuntz, Homer Clyde : 1858-1924

Name : Homer Clyde Stuntz

Occupation : Methodist Episcopal bishop
Born : Albion, Erie County, Pennsylvania, January 29, 1858
Died : June 3, 1924
Parents : Edward and Isabel (Hilborn) Stuntz

Education : State Normal, Edinboro, Pennsylvania, and academy of Northwestern University; took law course in Iowa; studied Garrett Biblical Institute, class of 1884; Bachelor of Sacred Theology, Garrett, 1896; (Doctor of Divinity, Upper Iowa University, 1896).

Married : Estelle Clark, of Bloomington, Illinois, May 26, 1885.

Ordained Methodist Episcopal ministry, 1884; missionary to India, 1886-1895; superintendent Methodist Episcopal missions, Philippine Islands, 1901-1907; field secretary, board of Foreign Missions Methodist Episcopal Church for eastern division, March 19, 1912.  National Administrator Methodist war work, 1917-.

Author : The Philippines and the Far East, 1904; South American Neighbors, 1915.

Religion :
Politics :

Club(s) :
Home Address : 3169 Farnam Street.
Office Address : City National Bank Building, Omaha, Nebraska.

~ Who's Who in America, Vol. 13, 1924-1925, Edited by Albert Nelson Marquis, Printed by A. N Marquis & Company in Chicago, IL, Page 3087 (Necrology Page 164: Deaths Reported During Course of Printing Who's Who in America)

You can visit the memorial page for Homer Clyde Stuntz.