Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Mets, Jeanetta - 1937

P.O. Of A. Meets In Regular Session
Camp 315, Patriotic Order of Americans held their regular meeting last Wednesday
evening in Eagle Hall, Centre Square, with the President, Jeanetta Mets, in
charge.  Chaplain Carrie Holland conducted the devotions followed by the report
on finances by Mrs. Mary Abel.

The sick list included Mrs. Nora Meyers, Mrs. Emma Ruloff, Mrs. Lucy Remaly, and
Mrs. Cora Rader.

Orator Lillie Dech then read a poem.

After the business session radio games were played with prizes being awarded to
the following, Sarah Serfass, Emma Johnson, Mary Abel, Cora Beers, Martha
Reinheimer, Lillie Keim, Emma Walters, Mary Kilpatrick, Carrie Holland, Stella
Dech, Hazel Gets, Mabel Newhard, Alice Billheimer, Ida Ruloff and Alma Eckhart.

~ The Nazareth Item, 04-Mar-1937, Page 1 Column 2

Messinger, Mrs Jacob - 1937

Blasting Not Harmful to Nazareth Dwellings
Feb. 25, 1937

Your letter of February 4th with respect to the claim of Mrs. Jacob Messinger, was duly received.  I have made an investigation which shows that it is impossible that any blasting in the quarry of the Company could have caused any injury to Mrs. Messinger's house.

Yours very truly,
(S) E. C. Champion

~ The Nazareth Item, 04-Mar-1937, Page 1 Column 1 & 2

Meyer, Lorraine A - 1937

Student Nurse At Pennsylvania Hospital
N. H. S. Graduate
Miss Lorraine A. Meyer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Meyer received her white cap Tuesday afternoon, at capping exercises conducted at the old Pennsylvania Hospital, 8th and Spruce Streets, Philadelphia.

Miss Meyer is a graduate of the local high school, class of 1935, and post graduate of ?.  [Can't read the year.]  She entered the Pennsylvania Hospital in September of 1936?, taking a nursing course.  She will graduate with the class of 1939.

Mrs. Wilmer Meyer and Mrs. C. P. Fehnel journeyed to Philadelphia on Tuesday to attend the capping exercises and the tea held after the exercises.

~ The Nazareth Item, 04-Mar-1937, Page 1, Column 1