P.O. Of A. Meets In Regular Session
Camp 315, Patriotic Order of Americans held their regular meeting last Wednesday
evening in Eagle Hall, Centre Square, with the President, Jeanetta Mets, in
charge. Chaplain Carrie Holland conducted the devotions followed by the report
on finances by Mrs. Mary Abel.
The sick list included Mrs. Nora Meyers, Mrs. Emma Ruloff, Mrs. Lucy Remaly, and
Mrs. Cora Rader.
Orator Lillie Dech then read a poem.
After the business session radio games were played with prizes being awarded to
the following, Sarah Serfass, Emma Johnson, Mary Abel, Cora Beers, Martha
Reinheimer, Lillie Keim, Emma Walters, Mary Kilpatrick, Carrie Holland, Stella
Dech, Hazel Gets, Mabel Newhard, Alice Billheimer, Ida Ruloff and Alma Eckhart.
~ The Nazareth Item, 04-Mar-1937, Page 1 Column 2
evening in Eagle Hall, Centre Square, with the President, Jeanetta Mets, in
charge. Chaplain Carrie Holland conducted the devotions followed by the report
on finances by Mrs. Mary Abel.
The sick list included Mrs. Nora Meyers, Mrs. Emma Ruloff, Mrs. Lucy Remaly, and
Mrs. Cora Rader.
Orator Lillie Dech then read a poem.
After the business session radio games were played with prizes being awarded to
the following, Sarah Serfass, Emma Johnson, Mary Abel, Cora Beers, Martha
Reinheimer, Lillie Keim, Emma Walters, Mary Kilpatrick, Carrie Holland, Stella
Dech, Hazel Gets, Mabel Newhard, Alice Billheimer, Ida Ruloff and Alma Eckhart.
~ The Nazareth Item, 04-Mar-1937, Page 1 Column 2