Leibert's School
Bessie Smith, Reporter
Our parents and friends have enjoyed several radio parties which were held the last few weeks in our schoolroom for the purpose of raising money to take the pupils in the higher grades on a trip at the close of the term. We are having a party on Friday, March 5th, this week. Everybody is invited to attend.
We are glad to welcome to our midst the following new pupils, Rose, Caroline and Helen Serfass.
We are having an epidemic of mumps and hope it will soon be over.
Bessie Smith, Reporter
Our parents and friends have enjoyed several radio parties which were held the last few weeks in our schoolroom for the purpose of raising money to take the pupils in the higher grades on a trip at the close of the term. We are having a party on Friday, March 5th, this week. Everybody is invited to attend.
We are glad to welcome to our midst the following new pupils, Rose, Caroline and Helen Serfass.
We are having an epidemic of mumps and hope it will soon be over.
The following pupils having had perfect attendance during the month of February. Eighth Grade: Mary Filonge, Bessie Smith, Catherine Werner, Earl Berger, Marvin Lilly, and Ollhoff Schramm. Seventh Grade: Claire Keen, Erma Kilpatrick, Viola Weiant, Merle Bauer, Walter Edelman, Walter Fry and Russell Shook. Sixth Grade: Mae Edelman, Lucille Lilly, Leola Shook, Richard Laubach. Fifth Grade: Anthonia Bosich, John Abel, George Rundle, William Rundle, Glenwood Rissmiller and Leo Shook, Jr. Fourth Grade: Lillian Edelman, Gladys Fry, Floyd Rice, Herbert Rundle, William Shook. Third Grade: Beulah Eckhart, Lorraine Lilly, John Filonge, and Sherwood Kindred. Second Grade: Virginia Fry and Henry Eckhart. First Grade: Joyce Trach Scott Dotterer and Owen Sullivan.
~ The Nazareth Item, 04-Mar-1937, Page 4, Column 3