Monday, February 27, 2023

Battersby, Samuel - 1888

Battersby, Samuel, Miner.  Age 38.  Married. Six orphans.
December 11, 1888, 2nd District, Larimer No. 1 Colliery, Westmoreland County.
Instantly killed by a fall of slate which looked to be of a crumbling nature and should have been taken down.

~ Deaths in the Bituminous Coal Districts 1888-1897 Vol. I, Page 3

Brady, Philip - 1888

Brady, Philip, Miner.
December 1, 1888, 2nd District, Alexandria Mine, Westmoreland County.
Was seriously injured by a fall of coal and died on the 5th.
~ Deaths in the Bituminous Coal Districts 1888-1897 Vol. I, Page 3

Hazala, Charles - 1888

Hazala, Charles, Miner.  Age 32.  Married.
November 19, 1888, 2nd District, South Side Mine, Westmoreland County.
Severely injured by a fall of slate.  He died on December 6.

~ Deaths in the Bituminous Coal Districts 1888-1897 Vol. I, Page 3

Kramer, William - 1888

Kramer, William, Miner.  Age 35.  Married. Three orphans.
November 6, 1888, 2nd District, Larimer No. 3 Colliery, Westmoreland County.
Killed instantly by a fall of slate while drawing post in the stumps.

~ Deaths in the Bituminous Coal Districts 1888-1897 Vol. I, Page 3

Wiece, John - 1888

Wiece, John, Miner.  Age 31.  Married. Three orphans.
October 20, 1888, 2nd District, Smithton No. 1 Colliery, Westmoreland County.
Received a compound fracture of the leg by a fall of coal and died on December 10.

~ Deaths in the Bituminous Coal Districts 1888-1897 Vol. I, Page 3

Shandre, Michael - 1888

Shandre, Michael, Miner.  Age 25.
October 4, 1888, 2nd District, Standard No. 2 Colliery, Westmoreland County.
Was fatally injured by a fall of slate and coal.  He died six hours afterwards.

~ Deaths in the Bituminous Coal Districts 1888-1897 Vol. I, Page 2

Homer, William - 1888

Homer, William, Mine Boss.  Age 45.  Married.  Eight orphans.
September 11, 1888, 2nd District, Duquesne Colliery, Allegheny County.
Was smothered by going down a shaft fifteen feet deep where his light would not burn.
~ Deaths in the Bituminous Coal Districts 1888-1897 Vol. I, Page 2

Giphart, Gustus - 1888

Giphart, Gustus, Miner.  Age 15.
September 11, 1888, 2nd District, Amieville Colliery, Westmoreland County.
Killed instantly by a fall of roof while taking post out in a rib.  An elder brother was with him at the time.
~ Deaths in the Bituminous Coal Districts 1888-1897 Vol. I, Page 2

Currie, Andrew - 1888

Currie, Andrew, Driver.  Age 22.
August 14, 1888, 2nd District, Hecla Shaft, Westmoreland County.
Instantly killed by a fall of roof as he was taking a wagon out of the stumps.

~ Deaths in the Bituminous Coal Districts 1888-1897 Vol. I, Page 2

You can visit the memorial page for Andrew Currie.