Thursday, April 28, 2022

Booth, James - 1881

Well done!  James Booth, Photographer, has rented the building recently occupied by the Ladies' Co-op, of this city, fitted it up, made an addition thereto, and now has a first class Photograph Gallery at that place and is prepared to make photographs, ambrotypes, &c., equal to any made East, West, North or South, and at extraordinary low prices.  Give him a call and satisfy yourself that our assertions are true.

He also keeps in stock, a fine assortment of Chromos mounted on 10x12 cards, at very low prices-- 3 for a quarter!  Chromos, same size, in frames, 25 cents each!  Now is the time to ornament your homes with beautiful Chromos, at a small outlay.
~ The St. George Union, 01 Feb 1881, Page 3, Column 2

Gardner, Robert - 1881

There has been a Farmers Improvement Association organized in this city, with Robert Gardner, President  They hold meetings every Friday evening.
~ The St. George Union, 01 Feb 1881, Page 3, Column 2

Smith, W. W. - 1881

W. W. Smith, Painter and Grainer, is prepared to do all kinds of house Painting and Graining in the highest style of the art, at prices the defy competition.  Give him your patronage and you will be suited.
~ The St. George Union, 01 Feb 1881, Page 3, Column 1