upon reasonable terms and immediate possession will be given.
302 acres surveyed in names of Martin Reilly and Henry Wertz, near the river, adjoining the Farms of B. Elliott, Esq. Col. John Fee and others.
404 81 pr. surveyed in name Thomas Austin, situate on both sides of the public road leading from Huntingdon to Lewistown including a Mill seat adjoining Robert Wray at head of Kishaquoquillas Valley.
436 61 pr. do. Thomas Mitchner, adjoining Shavers creek manor, Major Robert Moore and others in West township, prime land for wheat.
410 60 pr. do. Rev. John Johnston, adj. Joseph Dowler and others in Huntingdon township, near the warm springs.
437 21 pr. do. Moses Van Court adjoining the above.
428 70 pr. do. Thomas Mitchner, adj. the above.
430 86 pr. do. Stephen Drury, adj. the above.
436 41 pr. do. Robert Austin, adj. George Green, near his Mills, West township.
435 85 pr. do. Samuel Ayres, adj. the above.
400 do. Jonathan Priestly, pr warrant, situate on the head waters of Stone creek adj. John Cree near his Mill, West township.
400 do. John Wright adj. the above.
100 do. John Shaver on Raystown branch, adj. his former place of residence now Andrew Donaldson, Hopewell township.
400 do. Robert Simpson, adj. Caleb Armitage Wm. Grady and others, Huntingdon township.
400 in 3 surveys adj. the river, in names, John George and John Hampson including Hampsons improvement opposite Sugar Grove Farm, Springfield township.
400 surveyed adj. Jesse Adams, John Williamson and others, in Huntingdon township.
400 do. adj. the above, Wm Grady and others.
400 do. Margaret Stoker in Dublin township, near the former residence of Wm. Steel.
400 do. Mary Hughes adj. the above.
300 do. Thomas Jordon, patented, situate on little Clearfield creek, now in Clearfield county.
400 do. John Allen in the forks of big and little Clearfield, patented
200 do. Lewis Taylor and Th Cummins in big lick woods near town of Huntingdon
300 prime land for wheat in Sinking Valley adj. Angus St. Clair Arthur Hill and others opposite Birmingham.
The above property will be sold at moderate prices in four equal yearly payments.
December 2, 1806.~ The Huntingdon Gazette, 01-Jan-1807, Page 1, Columns 2 & 3