Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Jackson, Silence - 1742

Jackson  --  Samuel, son of Edmond [Edmond Jr., C.R.1.] and Silence, Mar. 3, 1742-3.
C.R.1. — Church Record, First Church of Abington
~ Vital Records, Abington, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, Vol. 1 - Births, 1912

Jackson, Edmond Jr. - 1742

Jackson  --  Samuel, son of Edmond [Edmond Jr., C.R.1.] and Silence, Mar. 3, 1742-3.
C.R.1. — Church Record, First Church of Abington
~ Vital Records, Abington, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, Vol. 1 - Births, 1912

Jackson, Samuel - 1742

Jackson  --  Samuel, son of Edmond [Edmond Jr., C.R.1.] and Silence, Mar. 3, 1742-3.
C.R.1. — Church Record, First Church of Abington
~ Vital Records, Abington, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, Vol. 1 - Births, 1912

Jackson, Elizabeth - 1731

Jackson  --  Samuel, son of Edemon <sic> and Elesabeth, <sic>, Aug. 13, 1731.
~ Vital Records, Abington, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, Vol. 1 - Births, 1912

Jackson, Edmond - 1731

Jackson  --  Samuel, son of Edemon <sic> and Elesabeth, <sic>, Aug. 13, 1731.
~ Vital Records, Abington, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, Vol. 1 - Births, 1912

Jackson, Samuel - 1731

Jackson  --  Samuel, son of Edemon <sic> and Elesabeth, <sic>, Aug. 13, 1731.
~ Vital Records, Abington, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, Vol. 1 - Births, 1912

Jackson, Mary - 1705

Jackson  --  Ruth, daughter of Edmond and Mary, Apr. 12, 1705.
~ Vital Records, Abington, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, Vol. 1 - Births, 1912

Jackson, Edmond - 1705

Jackson  --  Ruth, daughter of Edmond and Mary, Apr. 12, 1705.
~ Vital Records, Abington, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, Vol. 1 - Births, 1912

Jackson, Ruth - 1705

Jackson  --  Ruth, daughter of Edmond and Mary, Apr. 12, 1705.
~ Vital Records, Abington, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, Vol. 1 - Births, 1912

Jackson, Edmund - 1745

Jackson  --  Return, son of Edmund Jr., baptized Jan. 5, 1745-6. C.R.1.
C.R.1. — Church Record, First Church of Abington
~ Vital Records, Abington, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, Vol. 1 - Births, 1912

Jackson, Return - 1745

Jackson  --  Return, son of Edmund Jr., baptized Jan. 5, 1745-6. C.R.1.
C.R.1. — Church Record, First Church of Abington
~ Vital Records, Abington, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, Vol. 1 - Births, 1912

Jackson, Sally - 1839

Jackson  --  Ransom, son of Luther and Sally, Sept. 29, 1839.
~ Vital Records, Abington, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, Vol. 1 - Births, 1912

Jackson, Luther - 1839

Jackson  --  Ransom, son of Luther and Sally, Sept. 29, 1839.
~ Vital Records, Abington, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, Vol. 1 - Births, 1912

Jackson, Ransom - 1839

Jackson  --  Ransom, son of Luther and Sally, Sept. 29, 1839.
~ Vital Records, Abington, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, Vol. 1 - Births, 1912

Jackson, Silence - 1750

Jackson  --  Olive, daughter of Edmond Jr. and Silence, July 9, 1750.
~ Vital Records, Abington, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, Vol. 1 - Births, 1912

Jackson, Edmond Jr. - 1750

Jackson  --  Olive, daughter of Edmond Jr. and Silence, July 9, 1750.
~ Vital Records, Abington, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, Vol. 1 - Births, 1912

Jackson, Olive - 1750

Jackson  --  Olive, daughter of Edmond Jr. and Silence, July 9, 1750.
~ Vital Records, Abington, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, Vol. 1 - Births, 1912

Jackson, Sally - 1834

Jackson  --  Nelson Shepard, son of Luther and Sally, June 10, 1834.
~ Vital Records, Abington, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, Vol. 1 - Births, 1912