Friday, January 4, 2019

Alden, Maria Louisa - 1849

Alden -- Maria Louisa, daughter of Rev. Ebenezer and Maria, Apr. 30, 1849.

[child of Rev. Ebenezer Jr. and Maria L., C.R.2.]
C.R.2. — Church Record, Second Church of Christ in Abington

[child of Ebenezer and Maria Louisa, P.R.19.]
P.R.19. — Private Record, from the Christopher Dyer Bible, now in the possession of Dr. E . Alden Dyer of Whitman

 ~ Vital Records, Abington, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, Vol. 1 - Births, 1912

Alden, Lucy Maria - 1846

Alden -- Lucy Maria, daughter of Alexander and Maria, Aug. 23, 1846.
 ~ Vital Records, Abington, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, Vol. 1 - Births, 1912

This may be the memorial page for Lucy Maria Alden.

Alden, Joseph Henry - 1836

Alden -- Joseph Henry, son of Bela and Mehitable, Nov. 29, 1836.
 ~ Vital Records, Abington, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, Vol. 1 - Births, 1912

You can visit the memorial page for Joseph Henry Alden.

O'Neal, Sophia - 1858

ALL persons are hereby notified that my wife, Sophia O’Neal, has left my house, without any just cause, and that I am determined not to pay any debts she may contract, and I herby warn all persons not to trust her on my account.
West Providence Tp., Nov. 20, 1857.
~ Bedford Inquirer, 15-Jan-1858, Page 4, Column 1

O'Neal, James - 1858

ALL persons are hereby notified that my wife, Sophia O’Neal, has left my house, without any just cause, and that I am determined not to pay any debts she may contract, and I herby warn all persons not to trust her on my account.
West Providence Tp., Nov. 20, 1857.
~ Bedford Inquirer, 15-Jan-1858, Page 4, Column 1

Walker, Benjamin H. - 1858

LETTERS of Administration having been granted to the subscriber, living in St. Clair Township, on the estate of Catharine Oldham, last of said township, dec’d, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate are hereby notified to make payment immediately, and those having claims against the same will present them properly authenticated for settlement.
Oct. 16, 1857.
~ Bedford Inquirer, 15-Jan-1858, Page 4, Column 1

Oldham, Catharine - 1858

LETTERS of Administration having been granted to the subscriber, living in St. Clair Township, on the estate of Catharine Oldham, last of said township, dec’d, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate are hereby notified to make payment immediately, and those having claims against the same will present them properly authenticated for settlement.
Oct. 16, 1857.
~ Bedford Inquirer, 15-Jan-1858, Page 4, Column 1

You can visit the memorial page for Catharine Oldham.

Cramer, A. B. - 1858

The subscribers have just opened a large assortment of FALL and WINTER GOODS, all of which will be offered at prices to suit the times.--

We respectfully invite cash and prompt six month customers to call and examine our stock, assuring them that we shall offer greater inducements than ever heretofore.

Country Produce of all kinds wanted, for which, we will pay the highest price.
Oct. 16, 1857.
~ Bedford Inquirer, 15-Jan-1858, Page 4, Column 1

Hoerkens, W. - 1858

Would announce to the citizens of Bedford and vicinity, that he is prepared to do all work in his line, in the best style, and on reasonable terms.  Matrasses, <sic> with or without springs, made in a superior manner, equal to the best made in the city, and to this branch of his business he would invite especial <sic> attention.--

He may be found at the shop of Michael Weisel, a short distance East of the Borough, or at his residence on East Pitt Street, one door west of Maj. Washabaugh’s.
Bedford, Dec. 5, 1856.
~ Bedford Inquirer, 15-Jan-1858, Page 4, Column 1