Office No. 78 Westminster st, first house above Arcade, Providence, R. I. may 5 tf Those desirous of consulting A. C. Hawes will please leave their address with Mr. James Gardner. ~ The Northern Star, 03-Jul-1852 Page 3, Column 4
subscriber offers for sale the best assortment of Haying Tools ever
before brought to this market. Among them may be found--
Scythes of cast steel, silver steel and German steel; horse, drag and
hand Rakes; Emery Quineabaug Rifles; Hay Forks from King, Partridge,
Pope & Parsons, Staples, Bachelor, Gaylard, etc; Scythe Snaiths, a
new article; Horse Rake Teeth; Fork Stales; Grain Gradles; Topping Fork
Stales; 16 feet long; Friction Rolls; Grind Stone Cranks, &c.
je 19
one door South of Warren Bank. ~ The Northern Star, 03-Jul-1852 Page 3, Column 5
Horse Rakes.
JUST received direct from the manufactory of J. O. Wilcox & Son, and for sale by
june 12 ~ The Northern Star, 03-Jul-1852 Page 3, Column 5
Grain Candles,
FOR sale by
june 12 ~ The Northern Star, 03-Jul-1852 Page 3, Column 5
Bicknall & Skinner, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, And dealers in Cement, Ground and Calcined Plaster, Hand And Water Grindstones, Fire Brick, Turks Island Salt, &c., No. 37 South Water st., Providence, R. I.
Also-- Agents for the sale of Newton Darling's make of Scythes. Merchandize of every description bought and sold on commission.
E. J. Bicknall D. S. Skinner.
aug 9 isly ~ The Northern Star, 03-Jul-1852 Page 3, Column 4
Bicknall & Skinner, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, And dealers in Cement, Ground and Calcined Plaster, Hand And Water Grindstones, Fire Brick, Turks Island Salt, &c., No. 37 South Water st., Providence, R. I.
Also-- Agents for the sale of Newton Darling's make of Scythes. Merchandize of every description bought and sold on commission.
E. J. Bicknall D. S. Skinner.
aug 9 isly ~ The Northern Star, 03-Jul-1852 Page 3, Column 4
Alpha Chapter Miami University Oxford, Ohio Established June 28, 1855
Stubbs, Will Lough, A.B. [Bachelor of Arts], Assistant Cashier, Bank of Italy National Trust & Savings Association, 323 West Palm Avenue, Monrovia, California.
Alpha Chapter Miami University Oxford, Ohio Established June 28, 1855
Robinson, Edward Phillips, A.B. [Bachelor of Arts], M.A. [Master of Arts], Teacher, East Technical High School, 3700 Rolliston Road, Shaker Heights, Cleveland, Ohio.