Sunday, September 6, 2015

Hertzog, F. F. (Rev.) - 1937

Special Services in M.B.C. Church Next Week

Rev. P.T. Stengele, of Bethlehem, will speak on Tuesday evening, March 9th.  A
number of songs will be sung in the German language.  A short address will be
given by the pastor in German.

Rev. F.F. Hertzog, Allentown, a former pastor here, will speak on Friday evening,
March 12.  He will be accompanied by some who will bring messages in song service
at 7:45 P.M.

All welcome.

~  The Nazareth Item, 04-Mar-1937, Page 1, Column 6

Stengele, Paul Timothy (Rev.) - 1937

Special Services in M.B.C. Church Next Week

Rev. P.T. Stengele, of Bethlehem, will speak on Tuesday evening, March 9th.  A
number of songs will be sung in the German language.  A short address will be
given by the pastor in German.

Rev. F.F. Hertzog, Allentown, a former pastor here, will speak on Friday evening,
March 12.  He will be accompanied by some who will bring messages in song service
at 7:45 P.M.

All welcome.

~  The Nazareth Item, 04-Mar-1937, Page 1, Column 6

You can visit the memorial page for Rev Paul Timothy Stengele.

Heckman, Fred (Mrs.) - 1937

Nazareth Red Cross Furnished $2,201.50

Mrs. Fred Heckman, chairman of the local chapter of The American Red Cross, announced that the total collected by the local chapter for flood relief amounted to $2,201.50, all of which was forwarded to the Easton chapter.

The chairman wishes to thank the citizens of Nazareth and immediate communities for the splendid support given the local chapter in most generous contributions.

~  The Nazareth Item, 04-Mar-1937, Page 1, Column 6

Wagner, Floyd N. (Mrs.) - 1937

Pen Argyl Woman's Club To Be Guests Of Nazareth Woman's Club
The Woman's Club will hold their monthly meeting on Monday evening, March 8 at 7:30 o'clock in the music room of the High School building.  Mrs. Floyd N. Wagner, President, will preside at the meeting.

The guests for the evening will be the Woman's Club of Pen Argyl who will have charge of the program.

~  The Nazareth Item, 04-Mar-1937, Page 1, Column 3

Harris, W. S. (Rev.) - 1937

Rev. Harris Retained By Local Congregation
The parishioners of the local Evangelical Church were glad to learn that Rev. W. S. Harris will be retained by them for another year.  So was the decision rendered at the Annual Conference held in the Ebenezer Evangelical Church, Allentown, last week.  This is the ninth consecutive year that Rev Harris served this congregation.

~  Nazareth Item, 04-Mar-1937, Page 1, Column 3

Beil, Carl F. Sr - 1937

Mr. and Mrs. Granville Graver, of Newburg, visited Mr. and Mrs. Carl Beil and family, South Main Street, on Sunday.
~  The Nazareth Item, 04-Mar-1937, Page 1 Column 5

You can visit the memorial page for Carl F. Beil, Sr.

Beil, Dorothy N. [Graver] - 1937

Mr. and Mrs. Granville Graver, of Newburg, visited Mr. and Mrs. Carl Beil and family, South Main Street, on Sunday.
~  The Nazareth Item, 04-Mar-1937, Page 1 Column 5

You can visit the memorial page for Dorothy N. [Graver] Beil.

Graver, Ida Victoria [Heyer] - 1937

Mr. and Mrs. Granville Graver, of Newburg, visited Mr. and Mrs. Carl Beil and family, South Main Street, on Sunday.
~  The Nazareth Item, 04-Mar-1937, Page 1 Column 5

You can visit the memorial page for Ida Victoria [Heyer] Graver.

Graver, Granville Paul - 1937

Mr. and Mrs. Granville Graver, of Newburg, visited Mr. and Mrs. Carl Beil and family, South Main Street, on Sunday.
~  The Nazareth Item, 04-Mar-1937, Page 1 Column 5

You can visit the memorial page for Granville Paul Graver.

Heaton, Jenny - 1793

1793, 8 November
Jenny Heaton informs us of the deaths of widow Batt, Robt Lloyd, and Danl Baldwin.

~ Genealogical Gleanings from the Journal of Elizabeth Drinker, 1759 to 1807, Page 611 in Pennsylvania Vital Records, Vol. I, by the Genealogical Publishing Company, Incorporated in 1983.