The Popular Restaurant
905 Massachusetts Street.
E. L. McClintock, Proprietor,
(Successor to G. M. Falley.)Dayboard $3.00 Mealtickets $3.50
The lunch counter at the State University will continue to be run in connection with the restaurant.
~ The Daily Record, 12-Sept-1889, Page 1, Column 5
All students who wish to procure day board would do well to call at the old stand of G. M. Falley & Co., 905 Massachusetts St., now under the control and management of Mr. E. L. McClintock. The lunch counter will be continued at the University in order that his boarders and all other students may be accommodated.
Respectfully, E. L. McCLINTOCK.
~ The Daily Record, 12-Sept-1889, Page 4, Column 4