Monday, February 17, 2020

Vertnir, D. - 1831

For Sale,on a Long Credit,
Bloomfield Plantation,
with or without 10 or 25 negroes,
stock, farming, utensils,
corn, fodder, &c.
THIS Tract is situated in the county of Claiborne, seven miles from Port-Gibson, on the south fork of Bayon Pierre, and on the road to Copiah, containing one thousand acres, mostly bottom, about 200 cleared and in cultivation-- a good new Dwelling House, kitchen, smoke house, store and other outhouses-- Gin, mill, smith shop, stable, cribs, &c. and Quarters for forty negroes-- all in good order.

It is deemed unnecessary to give a more minute description, as those who wish to purchase will see and judge for themselves.

The water is good, the situation healthy, and the neighborhood excellent.  For particulars apply to mr Robert Throgmorton, Merchant, Natchez, or to the subscriber near Port-Gibson.

Possession will be given at any time before the 15th of April next.
15th January, 1831.                                                                                                                                                                         12
~ The Port-Gibson Correspondent 02-Jul-1831, Page 4, Column 3

Throgmorton, Robert - 1831

For Sale,on a Long Credit,
Bloomfield Plantation,
with or without 10 or 25 negroes,
stock, farming, utensils,
corn, fodder, &c.
THIS Tract is situated in the county of Claiborne, seven miles from Port-Gibson, on the south fork of Bayon Pierre, and on the road to Copiah, containing one thousand acres, mostly bottom, about 200 cleared and in cultivation-- a good new Dwelling House, kitchen, smoke house, store and other outhouses-- Gin, mill, smith shop, stable, cribs, &c. and Quarters for forty negroes-- all in good order.

It is deemed unnecessary to give a more minute description, as those who wish to purchase will see and judge for themselves.

The water is good, the situation healthy, and the neighborhood excellent.  For particulars apply to mr Robert Throgmorton, Merchant, Natchez, or to the subscriber near Port-Gibson.

Possession will be given at any time before the 15th of April next.
15th January, 1831.                                                                                                                                                                         12
~ The Port-Gibson Correspondent 02-Jul-1831, Page 4, Column 3

Gay, H. B. - 1831

Cabinet Business.
THE undersigned respectfully informs the citizens of Port-Gibson and its vicinity, that his Furniture Ware Room & Shop, is one door west of B. Hughe's store, where he has recently commenced business, and intends to carry on the future.  He has on hand high and low post BEDSTEADS, Dining and Breakfast TABLES.  All of which he will sell low for cash or approved credit.  All plain
can be had on the shortest notice, and repairing will be attended to.
H. B. GAY.
Feb. 19, 1831.                                                                                                                                                                                    16
~ The Port-Gibson Correspondent 02-Jul-1831, Page 4, Column 3

Ellis, Andrew - 1831

THE subscriber offers for sale, FIFTY ACRES OF CANE LAND, within two and a half miles of Port-Gibson, with two excellent springs of water on it, with about fifteen acres cleared, ten of which are in cultivation the second year.  He also obligates himself to show timber sufficient on the Land to pay for it by hauling it to Port-Gibson.
May 26, 1831.                                                                                                                                                                            30t6
~ The Port-Gibson Correspondent 02-Jul-1831, Page 4, Column 3

Boarding House.
THE subscriber wishes to inform his friends, that he has prepared himself to take in BOARDERS, two miles and a half from Port-Gibson, on the stage road to Natchez.  His house is tolerably large and very cool and pleasant, with a fine cool yard.  His water has been inspected by gentlemen from a distance in several instances, who pronounce it the best water from Natchez to the Rocky Spring.  As for the health of this place, we will refer the public to Judge Vandorn, who lived at this place several years, and said to me he never called a physician.

Any gentlemen wishing to retire to the country for a short time, will have every attention paid to them, that lays in my power, to make them comfortable.  I am also provided to keep horses on the best terms.
June 8, 1831.                                                                                                                                                                        32t6
~ The Port-Gibson Correspondent 02-Jul-1831, Page 4, Column 4

Farris, Richard - 1831

THE undersigned have been appointed, by the probate court of Jefferson county, commissioners, to receive, audit and report on claims against the estate of Ambrose Niles, late of said county, reported insolvent.  The commissioners will meet for the above purpose, at the store room of Thornton D. Murphy, in the town of Lewisville, on the second Saturday of February nest, and thereafter on the second Saturday of every month for six months.
     Jan 2, 1831.                                                                                   13                                                                                Comm'rs.
~ The Port-Gibson Correspondent 02-Jul-1831, Page 4, Column 2

Shaw, James - 1831

THE undersigned have been appointed, by the probate court of Jefferson county, commissioners, to receive, audit and report on claims against the estate of Ambrose Niles, late of said county, reported insolvent.  The commissioners will meet for the above purpose, at the store room of Thornton D. Murphy, in the town of Lewisville, on the second Saturday of February nest, and thereafter on the second Saturday of every month for six months.
     Jan 2, 1831.                                                                                   13                                                                                Comm'rs.
~ The Port-Gibson Correspondent 02-Jul-1831, Page 4, Column 2

Murphy, Thornton D. - 1831

THE undersigned have been appointed, by the probate court of Jefferson county, commissioners, to receive, audit and report on claims against the estate of Ambrose Niles, late of said county, reported insolvent.  The commissioners will meet for the above purpose, at the store room of Thornton D. Murphy, in the town of Lewisville, on the second Saturday of February nest, and thereafter on the second Saturday of every month for six months.
     Jan 2, 1831.                                                                                   13                                                                                Comm'rs.
~ The Port-Gibson Correspondent 02-Jul-1831, Page 4, Column 2

THE undersigned have been appointed, by the probate court of Jefferson county, commissioners, to receive, audit and report on claims against the estate of Ambrose Niles, late of said county, reported insolvent.  The commissioners will meet for the above purpose, at the store room of Thornton D. Murphy, in the town of Lewisville, on the second Saturday of February nest, and thereafter on the second Saturday of every month for six months.
     Jan 2, 1831.                                                                                   13                                                                                Comm'rs.
~ The Port-Gibson Correspondent 02-Jul-1831, Page 4, Column 2

Niles, Ambrose - 1831

THE undersigned have been appointed, by the probate court of Jefferson county, commissioners, to receive, audit and report on claims against the estate of Ambrose Niles, late of said county, reported insolvent.  The commissioners will meet for the above purpose, at the store room of Thornton D. Murphy, in the town of Lewisville, on the second Saturday of February nest, and thereafter on the second Saturday of every month for six months.
     Jan 2, 1831.                                                                                   13                                                                                Comm'rs.
~ The Port-Gibson Correspondent 02-Jul-1831, Page 4, Column 2

Sterling, R. H. - 1831

Storage & Commission.
THE subscriber has taken the well known Stand recently occupied by John D. Newell, & Co. at
and begs leave to inform his friends and the public generally, that he has permanently located himself at the above place for the purpose of transacting a general AGENCY & COMMISSION BUSINESS, and will receive, STORE & FORWARD all descriptions of GOODS, Western Country PRODUCE, COTTON, &c. which may be intrusted <sic> to his care.  The subscriber will keep on hand some of the leading articles in the Grocery line, such as Sugar, Coffee, Tea, Salt, Spirits and Wines.  Also-- Shoes, Boots, Hats and DRY GOODS, &c. &c. which will be offered at a small advance for cash.

He hopes by unremitted <sic> attention to business, to receive a share of public patronage.
April, 1831                                                27
~ The Port-Gibson Correspondent 02-Jul-1831, Page 4, Column 2

Cook, William B. - 1831

I WILL sell, or lease, a farm, in Washington county, Mi. with about sixty acres of open and high land, sufficient to make several hundred bales of cotton, either on the river Mississippi,or on lake Washington.          For particulars apply to
Nov. 22, 1830
~ The Port-Gibson Correspondent 02-Jul-1831, Page 4, Column 2

Pendleton, William - 1831

Currier & Shoemakers
A GOOD Currier and two or three good Shoemakers will find steady employment by applying to
Hinds county, June 20, 1831                                        34tf
~ The Port-Gibson Correspondent 02-Jul-1831, Page 4, Column 1

McKee, Mary - 1831

LETTERS of Administration de bonis non, having been granted to the undersigned, at the May term 1831, of the County and Probate Court of Claiborne county, on the estate of James McKee, dec.

Notice is hereby given, To all persons having claims against said estate, to present them, duly authenticated, within the time prescribed by law, or they will be forever barred ; and those indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment.
de bonis non.
May 24th, 1831.                                            30t6
~ The Port-Gibson Correspondent 02-Jul-1831, Page 4, Column 1

McKee, James - 1831

LETTERS of Administration de bonis non, having been granted to the undersigned, at the May term 1831, of the County and Probate Court of Claiborne county, on the estate of James McKee, dec.

Notice is hereby given, To all persons having claims against said estate, to present them, duly authenticated, within the time prescribed by law, or they will be forever barred ; and those indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment.
de bonis non.
May 24th, 1831.                                            30t6
~ The Port-Gibson Correspondent 02-Jul-1831, Page 4, Column 1

Horn, E. F. - 1925

E. F. Horn
-- Wall Papers, Paints And Varnishes --
“Picture Framing My Specialty”
  Phone 55-R     –     –     –     –     –     –  219 Clay Avenue
~ Jeannette Red and Blue, High School Year Book Vol. V, Number 1, 1925, Page 3