Saturday, December 24, 2016

Showers, Miles - 1895

An unusually sad experience was that which fell to the lot of Mrs. Daniel Lemon, on last Tuesday evening.  Earlier in the evening a young son of Mr. and Mrs. Lemon had gone up town, and not having returned at nine o'clock, Mrs. Lemon started up town to look for him, going up the alley leading from Liberty to Main street by way of the Masonic block.

Midway between the two streets her attention was attracted by the form of a man lying in the middle of the alley.  On drawing closer she recognized the form as that of her brother, Miles Showers, and was soon essaying to ascertain the cause of his condition, but no sound escaped his lips and the affrighted woman then summoned help and had her brother carried to their home nearby, where Dr. J. F. Ross, who had also been summoned, examined the body, and although it was still warm, the man was pronounced dead.

The deceased was a carpenter by trade, unmarried, and was aged about 51 years.  He made his home with his aged mother in a portion of the house occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Lemon, on Liberty street.  Lately he had been engaged in making some repairs at the county jail.  On the evening of his death he had visited several business houses up town, among them being the Clarion Hardware Co’s. store and the Loomis House.  This was about eight o'clock.  About half past eight he was met on his way homeward down the alley.  About nine o'clock he was found dead by his sister.

The place where he was found was a sheet of ice, upon which there were some blood stains next morning, although there was not a cut or bruise visible on the body.  The most reasonable theory advanced is that while walking upon the ice, the unfortunate man’s feet slipped from beneath him, and striking upon the back of his head, concussion of the brain and instant death were the results, although some ascribe heart disease as the immediate cause.  When discovered the body was lying upon its side.  Deceased, although a man of comparatively short statue [sic], weighed about 225 pounds, was a man of quiet, peaceable nature, and was well known in the community.

The bereaved family have the sympathy of relatives and friends in their sorrow.  The funeral will take place on Friday at 10 o'clock a. m.  Interment at Strattanville.
~ Clarion Democrat, 24-Jan-1895
Tuesday evening at about nine M. E. Showers as found by his sister, Mrs. Lemon, in the alley below the Masonic block, in a pool of blood.  He had started home the near way and the last words he spoke were with Thomas McCoy, an attaché of the Jones House.

Mr. Showers had been in his usual health, and he has not complained of any trouble.  He was found on his face with life still in him, but before he could be taken home expired.  There were no marks except a slight abrasion on one cheek.  He had not lain more than five or ten minutes until found.  Mr. Showers was 52 years of age and unmarried.

The funeral will be held tomorrow and the burial at Strattanville.
~ Clarion Jacksonian, 24-Jan-1895

You can visit the memorial page for Miles Showers.

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