Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Dodd, Mrs. - 1831

From the Kentucky Observer.
Horrid Outrage!-- On Friday evening last, about 9 o'clock, a negro man, belonging to a Mr. Rogers of Fayette county, attempted to commit violence upon a Deaf and Dumb girl by the name of Dodd.  She lived with her mother, a widow woman, who was very infirm and upwards of 80 years of age. The two and a very small negro girl, constituted the whole family.

While the monster was endeavoring to accomplish his purpose upon the daughter, the mother attempted to drive him away by striking him with an axe, but owing to her great infirmity was unable to do him any injury.  He however desisted from any further efforts with the daughter, turned upon the old woman, and with a butcher's knife, stabbed her in four or five places, and otherwise most shockingly beat and bruised her.  The daughter was severely bruised and mangled. In this pitiable situation they remained until Saturday morning, when the neighbors hearing of the circumstance, and learning from the old woman and her daughter, that upon seeing him again they would be able to recognize the negro, formed the laudable resolution of taking to the house every negro man in the county, unless they should first obtain the right one.

Accordingly they commenced with those who lived nearest; and after taking to the place about one hundred, succeeded in obtaining the right one. He has been safely lodged in jail to await his trial at the next term of the Fayette Circuit Court.since the above was in type, we learn that old Mrs. Dodd has died of her wounds.
~ The Port-Gibson Correspondent 02-Jul-1831, Page 1, Column 4

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