Thursday, January 3, 2019

Ready, Mary Ann - 1858

All persons interested, will take notice that the following accountants have settled their accounts in the Register’s office of Bedford County, and that the same will be presented to the Orphan’s Court for confirmation, on Friday, the 12th day of February next, at the Court House, in Bedford, viz :

The account of James Carnell, Administrator of the Estate of Elias Ritz, Esq., late of Monroe Township, dec’d.

The final account of David Stoler, Administrator of the Estate of John Stoler, late of Liberty Township, dec’d.

The account of William Overaker, Administrator of the Estate of Thomas Overaker, late of Colerain Township, dec’d.

The account of Jonathan Snider, Administrator of the Estate of Sophia Snider, who was Administratrix of John Snider, late of Monroe Township, dec’d.

The account of Jonathan Snider, Administrator of the Estate of Sophia Snider, late of Monroe Township, dec’d.

The account of Simon Brumburgh, Administrator of the Estate of David Barley, late of Middle Woodberry Township, dec’d.

The Guardianship account of John B. Alexander of Wells Township, Fulton County, formerly of Catharine Ready, now intermarried with William Tockard, <sic> [William’s last name is Lockard], Mary Ann Ready, Rosanna Ready, George Ready, and John Ready, minor children of Alexander Ready, late of said Township, dec’d.

The final account of John Kinton, late of the Borough of Bedford, dec’d.

The account of David Walter, Executor of the last Will and Testament of James Walter, late of Southampton Township, dec’d.

The account of Jacob Dunkle, Administrator of the Estate of Susan Dunkle, late of West Providence Township. dec’d.

The account of Mrs. Charlotte L. Harmer, Executrix of the last Will and Testament of Elwood Harmer, dec’d, who was Administrator of the Estate of Thomas B. Miller, late of the Borough of Bedford, dec’d.

The Guardianship account of Frederick Kauffman, Guardian of David, George and Susanna Keagy, late of Middle Woodberry Township, dec’d.

The account of Francis Jordan, Esq., Administrator of the Estate of Samuel Cromwell, late of Bedford Borough, dec’d.

The account of Gideon Hitchew, Administrator of the Estate of Charles Zembrun, late of Juniata Township, dec’d.

SAM’L H. TATE, Register,
Register’s Office, Jan. 15, 1858.
~ Bedford Inquirer, 15-Jan-1858, Page 3, Column 4

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