Saturday, December 29, 2018

Woodberry, S. - 1858

Drawn for February Term, 2d Monday, (8th day,) 1858:

Jacob H. Wright, Esq, (Foreman,) St. Clair Township; John Stonerook, M. Woodberry; Hugh Wilson, Southampton: Wm. P. Scott, S. Woodberry; John Stiffler, Snakespring; Asa Duvall, Broadtop; John Sanson, Bedford; Levi Evans, Monroe; David C. Foor, E. Providence; Thomas Leasure, Southampton; Wm. Bowles, Bedford Borough, John Evans, Londonberry; Henry Hershberger, Snakespring; Martin Blackburn, Jr., Napier; Jacob Evans, Londonberry; John Feighter, St Clair; Henry Miller, Cumb Valley; David Flock, Broadtop; John Keagy, M. Woodberry; John L. Hill, Juniata; George Stuckey, Napier; Adam Ickes, Union, Abraham S. Ritchey, Juniata; Henry Kensinger, Liberty.

Philip Morgert, W. Providence Township; Emanuel Shafer, Colerain; Reuben Smith, do.: Jacob Andrews, St. Clair; John W. Schebley, Bedford; Alex. Shomaker, Harrison; Zachariah Koontz, Bedford; Peter Mowry, Jr., Napier; John Long, Liberty; John H. Barton, E. Providence; David Sollenberger, S. Woodberry; David Diehl, Monroe; Nathan Horton, Hopewell; Thomas McCreary, St. Clair; John Pennell, Monroe; Abraham McCelland, Colerain; John Conrad, Union; George S. Mullin, Napier; James Mortimore, Harrison; William Colvin, Napier, James Allison, do.; John James, Union; Wm. Ritchey, (of Michael,) E. Providence; David F. Buck, S. Woodberry; William O’Neal, Monroe; Adolphus Ake, Union; John Alsip, Bedford Borough; Perry Morgan, Colerain; Frederick Sliger, Camb. Valley; Gideon B. Martin, E. Providence; Solomon Nyeum, do.; John Houk, Cumb. Valley; Alexander Eichelberger, Hopewell; Henry Hand, E. Providence; William Sellars, Bedford; David Eshleman, E. Providence; Adam Weaverling, West do.; George Potter, M. Woodberry.

Certified at the Commissioners’ Office, the 19th day of November, A. D., 1857.
~ Bedford Inquirer, 15-Jan-1858, Page 3, Column 3

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