Saturday, September 2, 2017

Bowers, Erren - 1881

On Sunday afternoon while Messrs. T. K. Kauffman, Erren Bowers and another gentleman were returning from a colored camp-meeting near Columbia, each in separate buggies, they approached the railroad track.  One of the parties succeeded in crossing, but Messrs. Kauffman and Bowers were stopped by a passing train.  Bower’s horse became frightened, rushed upon Kauffman’s buggy overturning it, tearing off two wheels and breaking the harness badly.  Then wheeling, the horse ran away, jumped a five-rail fence and completely demolished the carriage to which he was attached.  Very fortunately no bones were broken, though Mr. Kauffman’s horse was severely cut on the fore leg and bled profusely.
~ The Lititz Record, 30-Sept-1881, Page 3, Column 1

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