Sunday, May 14, 2017

Werkheimer, Willis - 1937

The Parent Teacher Association held their monthly meeting last Tuesday evening in the school building.  The meeting was well attended.  Mrs. Theodore Doll, president, was in charge.  Miss Thelma Flyte presided at the piano for the singing of several songs.  The minutes were read by the secretary, Mrs. Clarence Happel.  It was decided to hold the next meeting March 30th on account of Holy Week.  The Hostesses will be Mrs. George Pasini, Mrs. Charles Klump and Mrs. Floyd Taylor.  The pupils of Mrs. Lehr's room will present, "The Stolen Princess" at the March meeting.  The attendance banner went to the pupils of Mr. Remaly's room.  The following program was in charge of Mr. Remaly: Whispering Hope" by Mr. Willis Werkheimer's orchestra; Misses Viola Werkheimer, Arlene Dietrick and Doris Bath, Messrs. Bath, Phillips and Harold Dewalt; "Pennies From Heaven" guitars and violin trio; "Under the Leaves", piano solo; Arthur McCracken and his daughter Betty Jane very cleverly entertained with songs, jokes and impersonations with Mrs. McCracken at the piano; orchestra selection "Home on the Range" followed by a guitar duet, "Who Loves You" and an orchestra number, "The Old Rugged Cross," completed the program.  Refreshments were served by Mr. and  Mrs. James Hildenbrand and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Port.
~ The Nazareth Item, 04-Mar-1937, Page 6, Column 6 & 7

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