Friday, October 14, 2022

Owens, James - 1860


Grand Larceny.-- A negro fellow called James Owens, was arraigned before the mayor yesterday to answer the charge of stealing from the store of his hirer, <sic> Mr. A. S. Lee, a box of boots valued at $30, within the past ninety days.  Soon after the goods were missed Mr. Lee suspected the prisoner, as the store had not been forcibly entered at any point, and by keeping a close watch on his movements he was detected, last Saturday, in the act of stealing sugar.

Mr. L. and his clerk then fastened up the store, so as to prevent escape, and ordering the prisoner to the third floor, went up to punish him.  When about to tie his hands, he gave them the slip, jumped down the hatchway, and made for the lower doors, but finding them fastened resolved on resistance, and fought until overpowered and tied.

He was severely punished, and during the infliction of the lash, admitted that he had stolen the goods; but the confession obtained under the circumstances was deemed illegal, and there being no other evidence of his guilt, he was discharged and turned over to the agent of his owner.
~ Richmond Daily Dispatch, 01 May 1860 Page 1, Column 5

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