Monday, December 12, 2016

Smathers, William - 1895

Wm. Smathers, a well known resident of Clarion township, died very suddenly on last Sunday evening from dropsy.  Deceased was sitting in a chair when the summons came so quickly.  He was about 50 years of age and leaves a widow, two children and many relatives and friends to sorrow.
~ Clarion Democrat, 03-Jan-1895
Death came suddenly to William Smathers of Clarion township last Sunday, aged about 53 years.  He had eaten a hearty breakfast as usual and soon after was seen to fall from his chair in death agonies.  His friends were horror stricken, although he had not been well for some time.  Dropsy of the heart was the cause.  He was buried at Asbury News Years day at 10:30.
~ Clarion Jacksonian, 03-Jan-1895

You can visit the memorial page for William Smathers.

Russell, Sylvester - 1895

On last Saturday evening Sylvester Russell, a young man in the prime of life passed away at his home in Strattanville at the age of about 35 years.  Deceased had been suffering for months past from the effects of the grip and two weeks ago he suffered a paralytic stroke from the effects of which he never recovered.

~ Clarion Democrat, 03-Jan-1895

You can visit the memorial page for Sylvester Russell.