Monday, June 6, 2022

Gilmore, Herman (Mr. & Mrs.) - 1946

Round About Our Town

Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Gilmore and young daughter, Barbara, of New Castle, Pa., were recent visitors in the borough, being entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Gilmore of South First street.
~ Bellwood Bulletin, 04-Apr-1946, Page 1, Column 1

Gilmore, Barbara - 1946

 Round About Our Town

Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Gilmore and young daughter, Barbara, of New Castle, Pa., were recent visitors in the borough, being entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Gilmore of South First street.
~ Bellwood Bulletin, 04-Apr-1946, Page 1, Column 1

Gilmore, Lynn (Mr. & Mrs.) - 1946

Round About Our Town

Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Gilmore and young daughter, Barbara, of New Castle, Pa., were recent visitors in the borough, being entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Gilmore of South First street.
~ Bellwood Bulletin, 04-Apr-1946, Page 1, Column 1

Isenberg, Alvin - 1946

Round About Our Town

Mr. Alvin Isenberg, a former well known young man of the borough, greeted old time friends here on Wednesday. For a year he has been living near Chambersburg, Pa., where he is engaged on a sixty acre peach orchard, which he said yielded a hundred thousand bushels last season.
~ Bellwood Bulletin, 04-Apr-1946, Page 1, Column 1

Nearhoof, Raymond (Mrs.) - 1946

Round About Our Town

Mrs. John Detwiler who celebrated her fifty-fourth birthday, April 1st was entertained at a birthday dinner at Warriors Mark by her daughter, Mrs. Raymond Nearhoof.
~ Bellwood Bulletin, 04-Apr-1946, Page 1, Column 1

Detwiler, John (Mrs.) - 1946

Round About Our Town

Mrs. John Detwiler who celebrated her fifty-fourth birthday, April 1st was entertained at a birthday dinner at Warriors Mark by her daughter, Mrs. Raymond Nearhoof.
~ Bellwood Bulletin, 04-Apr-1946, Page 1, Column 1

Barr, Willard - 1946

Round About Our Town

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cherry have returned to Ridgley, Md. after spending a week with their daughter, Mrs. Willard Barr.
~ Bellwood Bulletin, 04-Apr-1946, Page 1, Column 1

Cherry, Charles (Mr. & Mrs.) - 1946

Round About Our Town

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cherry have returned to Ridgley, Md. after spending a week with their daughter, Mrs. Willard Barr.
~ Bellwood Bulletin, 04-Apr-1946, Page 1, Column 1

Hawes, A. C. - 1852

A. C. HAWES will be happy to attend to his friends, at Cole's Hotel, during the day.                  July 3
~ The Northern Star, 03-Jul-1852 Page 3, Column 3
Office No. 78 Westminster st, first house above Arcade, Providence, R. I.        may 5 tf
Those desirous of consulting A. C. Hawes will please leave their address with Mr. James Gardner.
~ The Northern Star, 03-Jul-1852 Page 3, Column 4

Newman, Capt. - 1852

Outward Bound Whaling Ships.
Bark COVINGTON, Capt. Newman, North West Coast, about July 10th.
Bark BELLE, Capt. L. M. Borden, Pacific Ocean, soon.
~ The Northern Star, 03-Jul-1852 Page 3, Column 3

Allen, Samuel (Capt.) - 1852

Warren And Providence.
On and after July 1st, the favorite and fast sailing steamer CANONCHET, Capt. Sam'l Allen, will run daily (Sunday's excepted) as follows:
{Advertisement.  Contact me through the link on the right-hand side of this page if you would like the full transcription.}

Towing attended to by application on bard, or at the Company's office, Butler's wharf.
july 3
~ The Northern Star, 03-Jul-1852 Page 3, Column 2

Salisbury, M. L. - 1852

Trunks, Valises, Carpet And Leather Bags, At
RECEIVED more of those strong made travelling trunks.  Also on hand a good assortment of valises, carpet and leather bags, for sale as cheap as can be bought in the State.
      july 3
~ The Northern Star, 03-Jul-1852 Page 3, Column 2

M. L. Salisbury
HAS now the following kinds of SUMMER CLOTHING, in Store, which he is selling very cheap:--
{Advertisement.  Contact me through the link on the right-hand side of this page if you would like the full transcription.}
~ The Northern Star, 03-Jul-1852 Page 3, Column 4

Angeny, E. - 1946

Round About Our Town

Recent out of town guests at the home of Rev. and Mrs. Paul Cox were Miss Mildred Eisenhower, R.N. a supervisor at the Lancaster General Hospital, Rev. Cletis Meyers and two sons, Mr. A. Steel of New Enterprise and Rev. E. Angeny of Huntingdon.
~ Bellwood Bulletin, 04-Apr-1946, Page 1, Column 1

Steel, A. - 1946

Round About Our Town

Recent out of town guests at the home of Rev. and Mrs. Paul Cox were Miss Mildred Eisenhower, R.N. a supervisor at the Lancaster General Hospital, Rev. Cletis Meyers and two sons, Mr. A. Steel of New Enterprise and Rev. E. Angeny of Huntingdon.
~ Bellwood Bulletin, 04-Apr-1946, Page 1, Column 1

Meyers, Cletis (Rev.) - 1946

Round About Our Town

Recent out of town guests at the home of Rev. and Mrs. Paul Cox were Miss Mildred Eisenhower, R.N. a supervisor at the Lancaster General Hospital, Rev. Cletis Meyers and two sons, Mr. A. Steel of New Enterprise and Rev. E. Angeny of Huntingdon.
~ Bellwood Bulletin, 04-Apr-1946, Page 1, Column 1