One of the most charming weddings that has occurred in Clarion for some time took place at 8:30 o’clock last evening at the residence of the bride’s parents. At the hour named Miss Alda Blair Rankin, the estimable daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Rankin, of West Man street, and Mr. Harry H. Arnold, the well known and gentlemanly junior member of the firm of Arnold Bros., of this place, were made man and wife.
The officiating clergyman was Rev. J. S. Elder, D.D., pastor of the first Presbyterian church, assisted by the Rev. J. C. Gillette, minister of the M. E. church. The best man was Mr. Charles Glenn, of Clarion, the bridesmaid, Miss Emma Clover, of Fisher, and the ushers Mr. W. R. Brownell, of Lindsey, and Mr. Will Rankin, brother of the bride. The out of town guests present were Dr. W. Alexander and wife, of Reynoldsville, Mr. S. A. Davidson, of Newville, Pa., W. R. Brownell, of Lindsey, Pa.
This morning the happy couple left on the early train for Frederick, Md., where they will spend a short time as guests of Prof. J. H. Apple and wife, and from there will visit Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia, and New York before their return. The best wishes of the Republican Gazette is extended to them.
~ Republican Gazette, October 18, 1894
Two of the most prominent of our young people, Miss Alda Rankin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Rankin, and Mr. Harry H. Arnold, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. Arnold, were united in marriage Wednesday evening, Oct. 17, at the residence of the bride’s parents, on Main street. The ceremony was performed by Rev. J. S. Elder, assisted by Rev. K. G. Gillette. The wedding was a quiet one, and the guests embraced only the immediate relatives and the most intimate friends of the bride and groom. It was a joyous occasion. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold left this morning or a wedding tour to prominent points of interest in the east and will be gone a couple of weeks. All our people will join must [sic] heartily in congratulations and good wishes for this most popular young couple.
~ Clarion Democrat, October 18, 1894
You can visit the memorial page for Harry H. Arnold.
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