Monday, December 31, 2018

Mountain, James - 1858

By virtue of sundry wits of Fi. Fa. To me directed, there will be sold at the Court House, in the Borough of Bedford, on Monday the 8th day of February, 1858, at 1 o’clock, P. M., the following Real Estate, to wit :

One Tract of Land, containing 250 acres, more or less, about 50 acres cleared and under fence, with a two story Log House and log stable thereon erected, adjoining lands of Joseph Barkman, Philip Snider and others, situate in Monroe Township, Bedford County, and taken in execution as the property of James Mountain.

Also, one Tract of land containing 132 acres, more or less, about 18 acres, cleared and under fence, with a two story Log House thereon erected, adjoining lands of Samuel Weekly, John Zook, Christina Long and others, situate in Broadtop Township, Bedford County, and taken in execution as the property of William Lowrey.

Also, one Tract of unimproved Land containing 21 acres, more or less, adjoining lands of George W. Gump, Joseph Souser, James Ferguson and others, situate in Napier Township, Bedford County, and taken in execution as the property of James Hughes.

Also, all defendant’s, Samuel A. Sleek’s right, title, interest and claim, in and to a Tract of Land containing 100 acres, more or less, about 15 acres cleared and under fence, adjoining lands of B. W. Garretson, Jacob Snider, John Wolf’s heirs, Henry Hoover and others, situate in St. Clair Township, Bedford County, and taken in execution as the property of Samuel A. Sleek.

Also, one Lot of Ground, in the Borough of Shellsburg, fronting 120 feet on Vine Street, and extending back about 200 feet to land of A. B. Bunn, with a story and a half Frame House and log stable thereon erected, adjoining public road on the East, and lot of Edward Garlinger on the West, and taken in execution as the property of Mary Palmer.

Also, one Lot of Ground, in the tow of Hopewell, fronting 30 feet on Mifflin Street and extending back 150 feet, with a two story Plank House and smoke house thereon erected, adjoining lot of Barndollar, Lowry & Co., on the North and lot of Henry K. Strong on the South East--

Also, one Lot of Ground, in the Town of Hopewell, fronting about 150 feet on Wood Street and extending, back to mill race, and lying three square, with three two story rough cast Dwelling Houses, blacksmith shop, shoemaker shop and tinner shop, thereon erected--

Also, all defendant’s right, title and interest in 30 acres of unimproved coal land, warranted in the name of John L. Grove, adjoining lands of John Cessna, Esq., the Hopewell, Coal and Iron Company, and others--

Also, one tract of unimproved bottom Land known as the Adam Young Tract, containing 25 acres, more or less, adjoining Juniata River on the North, and lands of John King’s heirs on the East and West--

Also, all defendant’s, Thomas W. Horton’s, right, title, interest and claim, in and to one Tract of Land, called Buck Bottom, containing 60 acres, more or less, about 4 acres cleared and under fence, with a story and a half Plank House thereon erected, adjoining lands of William Forrester on the West, and the Juniata River on the North, East, and South--

Also, all the defendant’s interest in and to three Tracts of unimproved Coal Lands, warranted in the name of Thomas W. Horton and Jesse Grove, containing in all about 154 acres, more or less, adjoining lands of William Montgomery, now John Cessna, Esq. on the North and West, and lands of John Ford and others on the South, William Evans on the East, and all the above described lands situate in Broadtop Township, Bedford County, except Buck Bottom, which is situate in Hopewell Township, Bedford County, and taken in execution as the property of Thomas W. Horton.

Also, all defendant’s, Robert Elliott’s interest in and to a Tract of Land, containing 280 acres, more or less, about 20 acres cleared and under fence, with a Cabin House and double log barn thereon erected, adjoining lands of Jacob Oster, John Oster and others, situate in Cumberland Valley Township, Bedford County, and taken in execution as the property of Robert Elliott.

Also, one Tract of Land, containing 50 acres, more or less, about 20 acres cleared and under fence, with a Cabin House thereon erected, adjoining lands of Alfred Entrekin, John Savage and others, situate in Liberty Township, Bedford County, and taken in execution as the property of Henry Berkstresser.

Sheriff’s Office, Bedford, Jan. 15, 1858;
~ Bedford Inquirer, 15-Jan-1858, Page 3, Column 4

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